URL format is: rtsp://username:password@ip:port/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 username/password/IP and port. The IP is device IP and the port default value is 554. You can leave it in blank if it is the default value.
LicenceUrl + " RTSP/1.0\r\n" msgRet += "CSeq: " + str(self._cseq) + "\r\n" msgRet += 'Authorization:' if self.username: msgRet += 'Digest username=\"' + self.username + '\"' else: msgRet += 'Digest username=\"''\"' if self._realm: msgRet += ', ...
The RTSP URL format for AJ series cameras is as follows (assuming the IPC IP is Main stream: rtsp://admin:123456@ Substream: rtsp://admin:123456@ For the RTSP URL above, if audio is enabled, the stream will contain both video ...
vto: - exec:curl --digest -u "admin:pass" -g "[0].MainFormat[0].Audio.Depth=8" - rtsp://admin:pass@ vto: - exec:curl --digest -u "...
in get raise exception File "/config/custom_components/dahua/client.py", line 737, in get response = await auth.request("GET", url) File "/config/custom_components/dahua/digest.py", line 46, in request response = await self.session.request(method, url, headers=headers, **kwargs) File...
URL Syntax rtsp://:@:/cam/realmonitor?channel=&subtype= : a valid user’s username. :user’s password. (Cannot contain #) :the IP address of the IP Camera. :the default port is 554. It can be omitted. :the channel number. It starts from 1. :the stream type. The of main ...
Your camera may have the option to change the type of authentication used for the rtsp stream. More information can be found in the HTTP API Documentation To view a camera in VLC choose "Open Network Stream" in the media menu. Then enter your stream URL. If VLC gives you any trouble ...