函数 Inmathematical optimization, theRosenbrock functionis a non-convex functionused as aperformance test problemfor optimizationalgorithmsintroduced byHoward H. Rosenbrockin 1960.[1]It is also known asRosenbrock's valleyorRosenbrock's banana function. The global ...
关键词:遗传算法,Rosenbrock函数,函数优化,最速下降法。 Abstract: This paper deals with the maximum of Rosenbrock s function based ongenetic algorithms. The simulated results show that the problem can be solved effectivelyusing genetic algorithms. The influence of some rnodified genetic algorithms on ...
Rosenbrock函数,也称为Rosenbrock's valley或Rosenbrock's banana function,是由Howard H. Rosenbrock在1960年提出的用于优化问题的非凸函数。它的数学表达式为: \[f(x, y) = (a - x)^2 + b(y - x^2)^2\] 在这个表达式中,\(a\) 和 \(b\) 是常数,通常取值为 \(a=1\) 和 \(b=100\)。Rose...
Some genetic operations suitable to the optimization technique areobtained, therefore, a novel way of solving a class of optimizations of functions that cannot be realized using the method of steepest descent is proposed.Through dealing with the maximumof Rosenbrock s function based ongenetic ...
Inmathematical optimization, theRosenbrock functionis a non-convex functionused as aperformance test problemfor optimizationalgorithmsintroduced byHoward H. Rosenbrockin 1960.[1]It is also known asRosenbrock's valleyorRosenbrock's banana function. ...
This paper deals with the optimization of Rosenbrock s function based ongenetic algorithms. The simulated results show that the problem can be solved effectivelyusing genetic algorithms. The influence of some rnodified genetic algorithms on searchspeed i
geneticoperationssuitabletotheoptimizationtechniqueareobtained, therefore,anovelwayofsolvingaclassofoptimizationsoffunctions thatcannotberealizedusingthemethodofsteepestdescentis proposed.ThroughdealingwiththemaximumofRosenbrocksfunctionbased ongeneticalgorithms,abetterunderstandingofthegeneticalgorithmto solvesuchproblems...
Rosenbrock方法 function[fmin,xmin]=Rosenbrock(f,X0,beta,gama,h0,err) %fmin用于返回函数最小值 %xmin用于返回最小值点 %f为待输入函数 %X0为起始点,为列向量 %err为允许精度; %本函数引用了Gram-Schmit正交化的函数f %本函数对f的未知量个数并没有要求,任意多的未知数都能求解 n=length(X0);%用于...
这是完整的rosenbrock函数的代码,绝对可用:function f, df, ddf = rosenbrock(x);% rosenbrock.m this function returns the function value, partial derivatives% and hessian of the (general dimension) rosenbrock function, given by:% f(x) = sum_i=1:d-1 100*(x(i+1) - x 2、(i)2)2 + (...
1) Rosenbrock function Rosenbrock函数1. Rosenbrock function is taken for example,antibodies evolutionary process and population distribution character have been simulated while in solving the maximum of Rosenbrock function. 利用免疫算法对多峰值函数进行多峰值搜索及全局寻优能力,运用Matlab编程实现基于信息熵的...