[6]Kasatkina LA, Verkhusha VV. Transgenic mice encoding modern imaging probes: Properties and applications. Cell Rep. 2022 May 24;39(8):110845. [7]Chenouard V, Remy S, Tesson L, Ménoret S, Ouisse LH, Cherifi Y, Anegon I. Advances in Genome Editing and Application to the Generat...
A genetically encoded sensor measures temporal oxytocin release from different neuronal compartments *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Rosa26-CAG-LSL-tdTomato mice(Strain NO. T002249)were purchased from GemPharmatech (Nanjing, China).
GzmbCre;Rosa26ACTB-tdTomato, -EGFP/+ mice have a low frequency of GFP+ mature NK cells.Xu, YiyingEvaristo, CésarAlegre, MariaLuisaGurbuxani, SandeepL. Kee, Barbara
[5]Li S, Chen LX, Peng XH, Wang C, Qin BY, Tan D, Han CX, Yang H, Ren XN, Liu F, Xu CH, Zhou XH. Overview of the reporter genes and reporter mouse models. Animal Model Exp Med. 2018 Apr 19;1(1):29-35. [6]Kasatkina LA, Verkhusha VV. Transgenic mice encoding modern ...
[6]Kasatkina LA, Verkhusha VV. Transgenic mice encoding modern imaging probes: Properties and applications. Cell Rep. 2022 May 24;39(8):110845. [7]Chenouard V, Remy S, Tesson L, Ménoret S, Ouisse LH, Cherifi Y, Anegon I. Advances in Genome Editing and Application to the Generat...