Recently, it was reported that IQGAP3 is strongly expressed in rapidly proliferating isthmus stem cells in the stomach corpus—IQGAP3 expression at the isthmus overlapped with eR1 activity in eR1-CreERT2;Rosa-tdTomato mice, as well as Ki67 expression [86] (Fig. 1.1A). Transcriptomic analysi...
Transient transfection of pRosa26-tdTomato and pCMV-tdTomato vectors was performed in the indicated cell lines. (D) A diagram for TALEN-me- diated knock-in of Neo-polyA-iEGFP into the pRosa26 locus. Grey triangles, wild-type (WT) loxP; white triangles, loxP2272 site; SA, splice ...
Right: tdTomato expression in different organs/tissues in rbRosa26-Cre-reporter rabbits. F1 generation rabbits were used for analysis in both lines. Figure 4. Germline transmission of rbRosa26 knock-in rabbit lines. (A) Summary of germline transmission rates of rbRosa26-EGFP and rbRosa26...