# 列出系统中活动的话题 ros2 topic list # 打印某话题的内容(订阅) ros2 topic echo /topic_name # 手动发布数据(发布) ros2 topic pub /chatter std_msgs/msg/String 'data: "123"' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1.3 interface # 列出当前环境所有接口包 ros2 interface packages # 列出某接口...
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped tfs = buffer.lookupTransform("son2","son1",ros::Time(0)); ROS_INFO("Son1 相对于 Son2 的坐标关系:父坐标系ID=%s",tfs.header.frame_id.c_str()); ROS_INFO("Son1 相对于 Son2 的坐标关系:子坐标系ID=%s",tfs.child_frame_id.c_str()); ROS_INFO("Son1...
从上面代码中可见,在编写ROS2程序时需要大量使用C++新特性和面向对象的思想。使用colcon build编译上述代码,然后执行ros2 run运行,在另一个命令行中,使用ros2 topic echo指令查看发布的消息,可以看到时间戳消息已经发布出去了。接收器和发布器的创建方式差不多,有所不同的是接收器创建的是rclcpp::S...
Commands: rostopic bw display bandwidth used by topic rostopic delay display delay of topic from timestamp in header rostopic echo print messages to screen rostopic find find topics by type rostopic hz display publishing rate of topic rostopic info print information about active topic rostopic l...
ros2 topic echo /mavros/mavros/raw/fixwill echo NavSatFix. But, the following sample code cannot sub data. # refer: https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Tutorials/Writing-A-Simple-Py-Publisher-And-Subscriber.html#write-the-subscriber-nodeimportrclpyfromrclpy.nodeimportNodefromsensor_msgs.msgimportNavSatF...
bw Display bandwidth used by topic delay Display delay of topic from timestamp in header echo Output messages from a topic hz Print the average publishing rate to screen info Print information about a topic list Output a list of available topics ...
ros2 topic info /imu ros2 topic echo /imu 输出: header: stamp: sec: 150 nanosec: 599000000 frame_id: base_footprint orientation: x: 3.434713830866392e-07 y: 7.119913105768616e-06 z: -0.00028312437320413914 w: 0.9999999598948884 orientation_covariance: ...
ROS1的命令行工具的语法是rostopic echo xxx、rosmsg info xxx、rosbag record xxx等形式。 ROS2的命令行工具的语法是ros2 topic echo xxx、ros2 msg info xxx、ros2 bag record xxx等形式。 4.8.2 rqt可视化工具 ROS1和ROS2命令保持一致! 4.8.3 rviz ...
ros2 topic echo /rslidar_points 效果如下: --- header: stamp: sec: 1664437253 nanosec: 820659161 frame_id: /rslidar height: 16 width: 1992 fields: - name: x offset: 0 datatype: 7 count: 1 - name: y offset: 4 datatype: 7 count: 1 - name: z offset: 8 datatype: 7 count: ...
ROS topic工具可用于获取ROS topics的信息,该命令语法如下: $ rostopic bw /topic:显示给定topic的所用带宽。 $ rostopic echo /topic:打印给定topic的内容。 $ rostopic find /message_type:查找使用给定message类型的topics。 $ rostopic hz /topic:显示给定topic的发布频率。