xml-model href="http://download.ros.org/schema/package_format2.xsd" schematypens="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"?><packageformat="2"><name>ros2_demo_py</name><version>0.7.3</version><description>A simple ROS2 Python package</description><maintaineremail="sloretz@openrobotics.org">...
较早使用catkin_create_pkg时,提供了一些软件包依赖项。 现在可以使用rospack工具查看这些一阶依赖项 $ rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials 1. 如您所见,rospack列出了运行catkin_create_pkg时用作参数的依赖项。 程序包的这些依赖项存储在package.xml文件中: $ roscd beginner_tutorials $ cat package.xml 1. ...
编译完后,catkin_ws下会新增build和devel文件夹。 4.在catkin_ws/src下创建功能包(package) catkin_create_pkg helloworld std_msgs rospy roscpp 1. 通过catkin_create_pkg命令创建一个名为“helloworld”的功能包,其依赖项有std_msgs(标准信息库),rospy(python的API),roscpp(C++的API)。 5.由于新增了hellowor...
2.3. Create a Python Package Apackagecan be considered acontainerfor your ROS 2 code. If you want to be able toinstallyour code orshareit with others, then you’ll need it organized in a package. With packages, you can release your ROS 2 work and allow others to build and use it ea...
~/dev_ws/src$ ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python --node-name python_node python_package going to create a new package package name: python_package destination directory: /home/ubuntu/dev_ws/src package format: 3 version: 0.0.0 description: TODO: Package description maintainer: ['...
Python: going to create a new package package name: my_package destination directory: /home/user/dev_ws/src package format: 3 version: 0.0.0 description: TODO: Package description maintainer: ['<name> <email>'] licenses: ['TODO: License declaration'] ...
介绍创建自定义Python 插件 由于webots_ros2 1.1.1 可以使用 webots_ros2_driver 包创建 Python 插件。 webots_ros2_driver 架构 请查看下图以更好地了解插件系统架构。 插件文件结构 该插件应保存在包的 Python 模块下。 例如: .├── package_name_example │ ├── __init__.py │ └── plugin_...
ros2 pkg create package_001 --build-type ament_python --dependencies rclpy ros2 会创建一系列 py 框架文件,当前文件结构如下: 12345678910111213141516 .└── src └── package_001 ├── package_001 │ └── __init__.py ├── package.xml ├── resource │ └── package_001 ├──...
~/dev_ws/src$ ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_python --node-name python_node python_package going to create a new package package name: python_package destination directory: /home/ubuntu/dev_ws/src package format: 3 version: 0.0.0 description: TODO: Package description maintainer: ['ub...
ros2 pkg create <package-name> --build-type {cmake,ament_cmake,ament_python} --dependencies <dependencies -name> --build-type 用来指定该包的编译类型,一共有三个可选项ament_python、ament_cmake、cmake,--dependencies 指的是这个功能包的依赖 ...