ROS catkin_make 报错“Could not find a package configuration file provided by” 具体情况是,师兄给了我一个ROS工程,我的电脑是新安装的ROS,里面有很多包都没装全。 先把原来编译失败的目录里的build目录删掉。 不然会报一些奇怪的错。 然而师兄给我的工程里有很多驱动之类的包,对ros的一些特殊的包有... ...
ROS-Academy-for-Beginners/navigation_sim_demo/CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package) -- Could not find the required component 'controller_manager'. The following CMake error indicates that you either need to install the package with the same name or change your environment so that it can be found....
$ rospack find [package_name] 例子: jym@ubuntu:~$ rospack find roscpp /opt/ros/noetic/share/roscpp 2.roscd roscd接切换目录到某个软件包或者软件包集当中。 例子: jym@ubuntu:~$ roscd roscpp jym@ubuntu:/opt/ros/noetic/share/roscpp$ roscd只能切换到那些路径已经包含在ROS_PACKAGE_PATH环境变量...
问题描述:在src目录下catkin_make出现“The specified source space “/home/lbb/src” does not exist”错误 解决方案:cd …回到上一级目录catkin_make编译
# 根据命令行参数调用服务 rosservice call # 根据服务类型查找服务 rosservice find # 输出服务消息 rosservice info # 列出活动服务清单 rosservice list # 输出服务类型 rosservice type # 输出服务的ROSPRC URI rosservice uri 参数通讯机制 参数类似于ROS中的全局变量,由ROS Master进行管理,其通信机制较为简单...
Use 65535 if this GPS is configured to provide yaw and is currently unable to provide it. Use 36000 for north.</field> </message> ... 完成此更改后,出现以下错误: make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/paparazzi.xml-v2.0.dir/build.make:63: paparazzi-v2.0-cxx-stamp] Erro 1 make[1]: *** ...
"StorageSpace": Integer, "ProxyType": String, "StandbyAZ": String, "LooseXEngineUseMemoryPct": Integer, "StorageUpperBound": Integer, "StrictConsistency": String, "StoragePayType": String, "DBNodeNum": Integer, "ProxyClass": String, "HotStandbyCluster": String, "StorageAutoScale": String...
- name: Build RealSense SDK 2.0 (development branch) from source run: | # libusb-1.0-0-dev is needed for librealsense build in ubuntu 20.04 # This apt install command will be ignored in ubuntu 22.04 as libusb-1.0-0-dev already installed there sudo apt install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev cd...
DATASOURCE::ACM::Configurations类型用于获取配置列表详情。 语法 { "Type": "DATASOURCE::ACM::Configurations", "Properties": { "Group": String, "DataId": String, "NamespaceId": String, "AppName": String, "RefreshOptions": String } } 属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 Group String ...
args=-d$(findtest_hokuyo)/rviz/scan2.rviz/ /launch 5/17/19博学笃行,求是创新,学以致用,与时俱进14 IntroductiontoRobotOperatingSystem 修改launch文件,运行测试程序: launch argname=ip_addressdefault=0/ nodepkg=urg_nodetype=urg_nodename=urg_node ...