I am getting the following error when I attempt to run a Python module sh -c "echo 'ROS workspace directory: /home/nbro' && cd /home/nbro && catkin_make && echo 'Sourcing /home/nbro:devel:setup.sh' && . /home/nbro:devel:setup.sh && echo ...
ant@ant-see:/hostfs/amd64/uros/iron-host$ source /opt/ros/iron/setup.bash ant@ant-see:/hostfs/amd64/uros/iron-host$ rosdep update && rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y [//发现的错误,进行解决 4) ERROR: no sources directory exists on the system meaning rosdep has not...
I use RTI Connext on my PC, but since the user does not have the environment variables set I assumed it would use the default RMW (which should be contained in the ros2_humble directory). A ROS2 installer creator would be even better. It would be great if there was a supported utilit...
新后缀为a.sh(名称任取,后缀为.sh可以)脚本,内容按以下格式填写,每个都是gnome-terminal -- bash -c "cd 工作空间目录;source devel/setup.bash;roslaunch xxx.launch"中的双引号里面对应启动一个launch文件,为了防止一个launch还没开始就开始了另一个launch导致启动失败,通过sleep 10 wait等待10秒(等待多久可以...
The specified source space "/home/carto/laser_ws/src" does not exist carto@cartoPC:~/laser_ws$ cd src carto@cartoPC:~/laser_ws/src$ cd LMS1xx carto@cartoPC:~/laser_ws/src/LMS1xx$ catkin_make Base path: /home/carto/laser_ws/src/LMS1xx ...
sudo su source /home/yourUserName/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash roslaunch unitree_legged_real real.launch rname:=a1 ctrl_level:=highlevel firmwork:=3_2 Please watchout that the /home/yourUserName means the home directory of yourself. These commands will launch a LCM server. The rname means...
Note:If you installed ROS from a package manager likeapt, then those packages will not be write accessible and should not be edited by you the user. When working with ROS packages from source or when creating a new ROS package, you should always work in a directory that you have access ...
The advantage of this system is that a problem with one executable does not affect the others, which makes the system more robust and flexible than a system based on a centralised runtime environment. Thin: To combat the development of algorithms that are entangled to a lesser or greater ...
source /home/test/ros_ws/install/setup.bash JOB_FOLDER=/etc/ros/indigo/test.d log_path="/home/test/logs" if [[ ! -d $log_path ]]; then CREATED_LOGDIR=true trap 'CREATED_LOGDIR=false' ERR log warn "test: The log directory you specified \"$log_path\" does not exist. Attempting...
[detector-1] [WARN] [1676267019.166991316] [obstacle_monitor]: Obstacle transform not found: "detected_obstacle" passed to lookupTransform argument source_frame does not exist. 需要思考并解决问题哦^_^ 如果都ok!那么"Obstacle detected at (%lf m, %lf m, , %lf m) = %lf rads": 机器人在...