有可能有一个真正的机器人,比如装有激光和RGBD相机的Kobuki,价格约为1000欧元。一个被认为是专业机器人的价格可以达到数万欧元。由于并非所有读者都计划购买机器人来运行ROS2,将在模拟器中使用Tiago机器人。Pal Robotics的Tiago机器人由带距离传感器的差动底座和带手臂的躯干组成,头部装有RGBD摄像头。在我们已经添加到...
随着技术的进步,Gazebo仿真平台也在不断迭代,新一代的Gazebo命名为Ignition,从渲染效果和仿真流畅度上都有较大的变化,我们不妨也来试一下。 $ sudo apt install ros-humble-ros-ign $ ros2 launch ros_ign_gazebo_demos rgbd_camera_bridge.lau...
output configuration using theOVERRIDE_LAUNCH_PROCESS_OUTPUTenvvar.--launch-prefixLAUNCH_PREFIXPrefix command,which should go before all executables.Command must be wrappedinquotesifit containsspaces(e.g.--launch-prefix'xterm -e gdb -ex run --args').--launch-prefix-filterLAUNCH_PREFIX_FILTERRegex p...
ros2 launch realsense2_camera rs_launch.py enable_rgbd:=true enable_sync:=true align_depth.enable:=true enable_color:=true enable_depth:=true Metadata topic The metadata messages store the camera's available metadata in a json format. To learn more, a dedicated script for echoing a metadat...
If you want to use the simulation, you should have native ROS Humble installation that requires Ubuntu 22.04 operating system. Full guide can be found here.We also created a package with all the nodes and launch files from our ROS 2 Tutorials. You can download ready to use pkg from GitHub...
ros2 launch rtabmap_demos turtlebot3_rgbd.launch.py 或分步执行 $ ros2 launch rtabmap_launch rtabmap.launch.py visual_odometry:=false frame_id:=base_footprint odom_topic:=/odom args:="-d" use_sim_time:=true rgb_topic:=/camera/image_raw depth_topic:=/camera/depth/image_raw camera_info...
I am running rtab map on my create 3 with a jetson orin nano host computer with jetpack6 and ros humble. Without rtabmap running I have the following TF tree frames_2024-12-11_18.31.10.pdf When I run rtab map in localization mode with the following launch file ...
ros2 launch realsense2_camera rs_launch.py enable_rgbd:=true enable_sync:=true align_depth.enable:=true enable_color:=true enable_depth:=true Metadata topicThe metadata messages store the camera's available metadata in a json format. To learn more, a dedicated script for echoing a metadata ...
For example, for Humble distro: sudo apt install ros-humble-realsense2-* Option 2: Install from source Create a ROS2 workspace mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src cd ~/ros2_ws/src/ Clone the latest ROS Wrapper for Intel® RealSense™ cameras from here into '~/ros2_ws/src/' git clone htt...
ros2 launch realsense2_camera rs_launch.py enable_rgbd:=true enable_sync:=true align_depth.enable:=true enable_color:=true enable_depth:=true Metadata topic The metadata messages store the camera's available metadata in a json format. To learn more, a dedicated script for echoing a metadat...