[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named map_save below /opt/ros/kinetic/share/map_server 保存之后会有两个文件: 第一个是一张图片,第二个是一些说明文件: 第一个是图片的名称,第二个是图片的分辨率,0.05米,origin代表的是机器人的位置,下一次导航的时候可以把机器人放到这个位置。 Hector_slam功能包: ...
For WGS84Transformer to work, it needs to know the WGS84 coordinate that corresponds to (0, 0) in ROS's map frame, and we use the swri_transform_util/initialize_origin.py node to provide that. Mapviz's default launch file provides a hard-coded location named swri, although on a real...
there are no pre-built ROS packages to install with apt-get, which is a preferred method of installation. Hence we will need to build it from source. Trust me, it's not that scary as it sounds. The process is described in thisofficial tutorial, but to build ROS Melodic...
Adding calibration information to bag files Installbag_tools $ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-bag-tools Note:rosruncouldn't findchange_camera_info.py, but it was in/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bag_toolsso it was copied into thescriptsdirectory. ...
开发者ID:a0919958057,项目名称:MapDataReceiver,代码行数:92,代码来源:lrf_server_node.cpp 示例3: cld_ptr ▲点赞 3▼ voidvtree_color_user::compute_features(conststd::string& cloud_filename, FeatureVector &feature_vector ) {typedefpcl::PointXYZRGB nx_PointT;typedefpcl::Normal nx_Normal;typede...
save_3d_map: Triggers the saving of the current 3D fused point cloud if the mapping module is enabled. enable_object_detection: Starts/Stop the Object Detection processing. See Object Detection 📌 Note: Currently the H26x SVO compression uses the resolution and the real FPS to calculate the...
I think this prototype isn’t very far from that of a toy robot. It is a mechanical man but safely on the slopes on the other side of the uncanny valley. He (and gender is oddly important to these inherently sexless beings) is kind of blocky and clearly a machine but he can talk ...
Therefore, CSS 2.2 allows authors to “map” document language elements to table elements via the ‘display’ property. For example, the following rule makes the FOO element act like an HTML TABLE element and the BAR element act like a CAPTION element: Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision ...
gazeboQuestions with no answers: 1159 [expand/collapse]
Don’t use <a target="_blank"> to force links to open in a new window. If you absolutely must open a link in a new window, explicitly warn the reader. This is a non-optimal, compromise solution, usually brought about by business requirements of “not being associated” with external ...