Roquin targets mRNAs in a 3′-UTR-specific manner by different modes of regulation Roquin targets are known to contain two types of sequence-structure motifs, the constitutive and the alternative decay elements (CDE and ADE). Here, the authors describe a linear Roquin binding element (LBE) also...
The suppressive effect of RNA on FUS aggregation is sequence-dependent. These results suggested that the non-coding RNA could be a prospective suppressor of FUS aggregation caused by mechanistic stress in cells. Our finding might pave the way for more research on the role of RNAs as aggregation...
▲【7】mRNA produced as a result of transcription is not modified in prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells modify mRNA by RNA splicing, 5' end capping, and addition of a polyA tail. 作为转录结果产生的 mRNA 在原核细胞中没有被修饰。...
2、mosaic (嵌合嵌合体体), consisting of intervening sequences separating the coding sequence(割裂基因)(割裂基因)nExons (外显子外显子): the coding sequencesnIntrons (内含子内含子) : the intervening sequencesnRNA splicing: the process by which introns are removed from the pre-mRNA(从前(从前mRNA...
The process occurs only in certain tissues or cell types and in a regulated manner. mRNA中某个特异选择的胞嘧啶脱氨基变成尿嘧啶,只在特定的组织或细胞中发生,受到调控 Topic 3 SPLICING PATHWAYS (剪接过程) 3.1 Assembly, rearrangement, and catalysis within the spliceosome: the splicing pathway (Fig. ...
点击Sequence旁的向下箭头可以查看lncRNA的具体序列,点击右侧的下载按钮可以进行下载。 点击Genome Browser可以查看HOTAIR不同转录本在基因组中的位置,注意这里使用的是h19参考基因组版本。 LncBook数据库通过分析HPA和GTEx两个公共项目的转录组数据给出lncRNA在各个组织中的FPKM表达量,并判断该lncRNA是组织特异性lncRNA...
RNA splicing is a form of RNA processing in which a newly made precursor messenger RNA (mRNA) is transformed into a matureRNAby removing the non-coding sequences termed introns. The process of RNA splicing involves the removal of non-coding sequences or introns and joining of the coding sequ...
2、外显子,内含子,前mRNA,剪接后的mRNA,Most of the eukaryotic genes are mosaic (嵌合体), consisting of intervening sequences separating the coding sequence(割裂基因) Exons (外显子): the coding sequences Introns (内含子) : the intervening sequences RNA splicing: the process by which introns ...
Introns (内含子) : the intervening sequences RNA splicing: the process by which introns are removed from the pre-mRNA. Alternative splicing (可变剪接): some pre-mRNAs can be spliced in more than one way , generating alternative mRNAs. 60% of the human genes are spliced in this manner. 3...