7 NPC biopsy specimens and 4 normal nasopharyngeal mucosal specimens were sampled. Total RNA were extracted from these samples, and analyzed by RNA-sequencing. 作者提供了RNA-seq的表达矩阵:https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE118nnn/GSE118719/suppl/GSE118719_mrna.expression.tsv.gz,不过这个...
参考文献 [1] Bias detection and correction in RNA-Sequencing data.BMC Bioinformatics, 2011. [2] Biases in Illumina transcriptome sequencing caused by random hexamer priming.Nucleic Acids Research, 2010. [3] Benchmarking of RNA-sequencing analysis workflows using wholetranscriptome RT-qPCR expression...
前六个分析和全长转录组(cDNA/PCR建库)分析流程一致,具体流程和软件使用可以参考Wang, Yunhao, et al. "Nanopore sequencing technology, bioinformatics and applications." Nature Biotechnology. (2021)。这里重点总结一下 直接RNA测序所特有的碱基修饰(6mA)和可变多聚腺苷化(APA)分析。 1. ONT - 直接RNA测序(D...
GEO相信大家都很熟悉了,他们在GEO中通过搜索“single cell”和“Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing”来获取数据。值得注意的是,这个平台是被用于检测已知细胞类型中的分化情况,因此筛选数据的时候要求数据集带有类型标签(cell type label),并且要求提供quantitative values/count values(一般是cell by gene...
Strand specific seqiencing)方法和链特异性测序方法两种(nonspecific sequencing)。
The RNA sequencing approach has been broadly used toprovide gene-, pathway-, and network-centric analyses for various cell and tissue samples. However, thus far, rich cellular information carried in tissue samples has not been thoroughly characterized from RNA-Seq data. Therefore, it would expand...
The RNA structurome: transcriptome-wide structure probing with next-generation sequencing Chun Kit Kwok, ... Philip C. Bevilacqua, in Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2015 Importance of RNA structure in biology RNA has a significant role in nearly every process in living cells, including transcriptio...
The RNA sequencing approach has been broadly used toprovide gene-, pathway-, and network-centric analyses for various cell and tissue samples. However, thus far, rich cellular information carried in tissue samples has not been thoroughly characterized from RNA-Seq data. Therefore, it would expand...
Analyze your RNA sequencing data without writing a single line of code bioinformaticsrna-seqgui-applicationbioinformatics-pipelinernaseqtranscriptomicsrna-seq-analysisbioinformatics-analysissmallrnarna-seq-pipelinebioinformatics-toolsmallrna-seq UpdatedSep 7, 2024 ...