RNA m6A methylation orchestrates cancer growth and metastasis via macrophage reprogrammingRNA methylationTUMOR growthMETASTASISSUPPRESSOR cellsIMMUNOREGULATIONN6-methyladenosine (m6A) is a reversible mRNA modification that has been shown to play important roles in various biological processes. However, the roles...
N6-甲基腺苷(m6A)是一种可逆的mRNA修饰,已显示在各种生物过程中起重要作用。但是,m6A修饰在巨噬细胞中的作用仍然未知。 2021年3月2日,空军军医大学张瑞及杨安钢共同通讯在Nature Communications在线发表题为“RNA m6A methylation orc...
近日,美国德克萨斯大学休斯敦健康科学中心麦戈文医学院的李文博研究组在Cell Research发表了文章RNA m6A modification orchestrates a LINE-1–host interaction that facilitates retrotransposition and contributes to long gene vulnerability。此论文发现了新的反转录转座子与宿主基因组的互相作用方式和作用机制。有趣的是,...
最近,已经证明m6A修饰在早期B细胞发育过程中起着关键的调节作用,如“写入器”WTAP与“阅读器”YTHDF2是CD40的关键抑制器,CD40在B细胞发育、活化、GC形成和类别转换抗体中具有重要作用;并且,m6A修饰控制早期B细胞发育和IL-7诱导的前B细胞增殖,m6A修饰的损害阻碍了B细胞增殖、发育和成熟(Zhao et al., 2022)。 1.2...
近日,美国德克萨斯大学休斯敦健康科学中心麦戈文医学院的李文博研究组在Cell Research发表了文章RNA m6A modification orchestrates a LINE-1–host interaction that facilitates retrotransposition and contributes to long gene vulnerability。此...
RNA m6A methylation orchestrates cancer growth and metastasis via macrophage reprogramming Huilong Yin, Xiang Zhang, Pengyuan Yang, Xiaofang Zhang, Yingran Peng, Da Li, Yanping Yu, Ye Wu, Yidi Wang, Jinbao Zhang, Xiaochen Ding, Xiangpeng Wang, Angang Yang & Rui Zhang Natur...
m6A is reduced on transcripts from the X chromosome Our RNA-seq data showed that autosomal transcripts are more susceptible to m6A depletion than are X-chromosomal transcripts. To test whether these differences are driven by different methylation levels, we analyzed the distribution of m6A sites acro...
Yin H, Zhang X, Yang P, Zhang X, Peng Y, Li D, Yu Y, Wu Y, Wang Y, Zhang J, Ding X, Wang X, Yang A, Zhang R (2021) RNA m6A methylation orchestrates cancer growth and metasta- sis via macrophage reprogramming. Nat Commun 12(1):1394 33. Tong J, Wang X, Liu Y, Ren X...
RNA m6A methylation orchestrates cancer growth and metastasis via macrophage reprogramming Nat Commun, 12 (1) (2021), 10.1038/s41467-021-21514-8 Google Scholar [29] M. Hayano, W.S. Yang, C.K. Corn, N.C. Pagano, B.R. Stockwell Loss of cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (CARS) induces the tran...
RNA m6A methylation orchestrates cancer growth and metastasis via macrophage reprogramming Nat. Commun., 12 (1) (2021) Google Scholar [130] A.M. Shafik, F. Zhang, Z. Guo, Q. Dai, K. Pajdzik, Y. Li, Y. Kang, B. Yao, H. Wu, C. He, E.G. Allen, R. Duan, P. Jin N6-meth...