C Association analysis of m6A methylation and mRNA expression: M1-L vs M0-L: 39Hyper-Up mRNAs, 319 Hyper-Down mRNAs, 515 Hypo-Up mRNAs, 138 Hypo-Down mRNAs (P < 0.05); M2-L vs M0-L: 26 Hyper-Up mRNAs, 0Hyper-Down mRNAs, 177 Hypo-Up mRNAs, 11 Hypo-Down mRNAs (P < 0.05);...
In our study, the m6A RNA methylation-related genes in liver hepatocellular carcinoma were analyzed systematically, including the expression, interaction, function, and prognostic values, which provided an important theoretical basis for m6A RNA methylation in liver cancer. The nine important m6A-related...
Interestingly, several target genes, such as SMAD3, possess the ability to participate in DNA methylation processes, which may reciprocally regulate the expression of m6A genes and form a closed-loop regulation axis. Some classic DNA methylation-related genes, such as TET1, UHRF1, and ZBTB4, ...
该篇文献与m6A regulators并无太大关系,编者在这里进行展示主要出于三个原因:1)文章思路与m6A regulators整合分析类似;2)文章团队背靠背还有一篇发在了同样的杂志上,只是换了癌种,读者可进行对比;3)部分分析内容值得借鉴。文中,作者结合表达/突变/预后等指标,得到1997个immune-related基因,并在此基础上进行免疫分型(...
这篇文章于2021年发表在《frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology》杂志上,最新影响因子6.684,题目为:A Risk Score Model IncorporatingThree m6A RNA MethylationRegulators and a Related Network ofmiRNAs-m6A Regulators-m6A TargetGenes to Predict the Prognosis ofPatients With Ovarian Cancer。
以优良的地方品种——广西麻鸡作为研究对象,研究其性成熟日龄不同部位肌纤维类型的组成差异,探究m6A甲基化转移酶相关基因甲基化转移酶样蛋白 3/14 (methyltransferase like 3/14, METTL3/14)、Wilm 肿瘤 1-相关蛋白(Wilms’ tumor 1-associating protein,WTAP)和病毒样m6A 甲基转化酶(vir like m6A ...
An association study of m6A methylation with major depressive disorder Ying Li Peidong Miao Yan Gao BMC Psychiatry (2024) Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus induces lactylation of m6A reader protein YTHDF1 to facilitate viral replication Bingxin Liu Xiaoyan Tian Zhiwei Wu EMBO ...
Methylation of ERV mRNAs is catalysed by the complex of methyltransferase-like METTL3–METTL144 proteins, and we found that depletion of METTL3–METTL14, along with their accessory subunits WTAP and ZC3H13, led to increased mRNA abundance of intracisternal A-particles (IAPs) and related ERVK ...
这篇文章于2021年发表在《frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology》杂志上,最新影响因子6.684,题目为:A Risk Score Model IncorporatingThree m6A RNA MethylationRegulators and a Related Network ofmiRNAs-m6A Regulators-m6A TargetGenes to Predict the Prognosis ofPatients With Ovarian Cancer。
enrichment analysis (GSEA) using a published list of PTH-regulated genes41. We found thatMettl3-deficient MSCs underwent a global down-regulation of PTH-regulated gene expression (Fig.5d), implying PTH/Pth1r signaling axis as a potential mechanism for Mettl3-mediated m6A methylation on MSCs ...