DMOG treatment profoundly diminished the RNA binding of several translation initiation factors, especially of eIF3 and eIF4 (Fig.6band Supplementary Fig.2a). Since DMOG has been reported to negatively affect the activity of the mTOR kinase18, which phosphorylates the inhibitory protein 4EBP, we exa...
通过点击图中的Complete list of all the interaction可以下载完整的表单,然后就可以根据结果选取一些候选的核酸开心地进行后续的RIP,RNA pull down验证啦。 反过来,以一个特定RNA预测其与某个蛋白组的结合与以蛋白预测转录组的提交表单以及结果解读的流程和内容类似,在此就不作重复叙述。 catRAPID fragment 将RNA和蛋...
Oligomeric assemblies of tau and the RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) Musashi (MSI) are reported in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the role of MSI and tau interaction in their aggregation process and its effects are nor clearly known in neurodegenerative
System-wide approaches have unveiled an unexpected breadth of the RNA-bound proteomes of cultured cells. Corresponding information regarding RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) of mammalian organs is still missing, largely due to technical challenges. Here, we d
Here, we list predicted miRNA-target interactions overlapped withCLIP-Seq data2. starbase:数据库功能: 1. starBase is designed for decodingPan-Cancer and Interaction Networks of lncRNAs, miRNAs, competing endogenousRNAs(ceRNAs), RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and mRNAs from large-scale CLIP-Seq(...
当我们输入'RNA binding'时,结果如下,我们可以发现在生物学过程方面有12个RBP。 3.Advanced Search 该项目可以同时管理和组合不同的选项,进行批量搜索,以筛选蛋白质和GO术语。我们可以输入感兴趣的蛋白或GO term至相应的字段中(可以输入多个)。 其中“ GO List”字段包括“ ...
Despite identifying a list of MEX3A downstream targets in ACHN cells, it is still hard to confirm the RNA-binding function of MEX3A. On the one hand, the binding status of MEX3A to different genes is diverse. For example, the binding region of MEX3A in the 3′ UTR of CDK6 was not...
RNA binding protein function annotations and localizations were obtained from [20] (Additional file 2). The list of RNA binding proteins was obtained from [3]. The list of transcription factors was obtained from [72], using the “a,”“b,” and “other” classes. Biotin-based visualization...
当我们输入'RNA binding'时,结果如下,我们可以发现在生物学过程方面有12个RBP。 3.Advanced Search 该项目可以同时管理和组合不同的选项,进行批量搜索,以筛选蛋白质和GO术语。我们可以输入感兴趣的蛋白或GO term至相应的字段中(可以输入多个)。 其中“ GO List”字段包括“ AND / OR”选项允许以两种不同的模式...
MicroRNA (miRNA) biogenesis is finely controlled by complex layers of post-transcriptional regulators, including RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Here, we show that an RBP, QKI5, activates the processing of primary miR-124-1 (pri-124-1) during erythropoiesis