1. Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of DNA, showing the arrangement of subunits. [3 marks] 2. The diagram below represents a DNA nucleotide. Identify the phosphate group and deoxyribose. [1 mark] 3. Draw a labelled diagram to show how four nucleotides are joined together to form...
The binding specificities of RNA- and DNA-binding proteins are determined from experimental data using a ‘deep learning’ approach. Knowing the sequence specificities of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins is essential for developing models of the regulatory
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of boxB/λN22 system 1.1.4 CRISPR-Cas系统主要运用于DNA和RNA编辑领域。通过改造Cas蛋白,使其无法剪切核酸分子但仍保留与DNA或RNA的结合能力,从而实现DNA和RNA的成像。dCas9(来源于化脓性链球菌)通过与GFP融合,借助一条称为PAMer的寡脱氧胸腺苷酸,能够识别并结合内源性mRNA,从而实现...
细胞穿透肽(cell penetrating peptide, CPP) 一般是由5~30个氨基酸组成的两亲性或阳离子肽片段, 包括HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus-1) 反式激活因子(HIV-Tat)、果蝇的触角足同源异形域的DNA结合结构域第3片段(peneytatin 1)、由神经肽甘丙肽和乳突蛋白合成的嵌合肽(transportan) 或基于碱性氨基酸(如精氨酸...
Fig. 3.4.A schematic diagram for RNA polymerase to locate, bind and open a sequence of DNA at the promoter. The Role of Sigma (σ) in Transcription Sigma factorcan direct the tight binding ofRNA polymeraseto promoters and place the enzyme in a position to initiate transcription so that it...
Contrasting known prokaryotic Argonautes that use single-stranded DNA as guides and/or targets, HrAgo1 mediates RNA-guided RNA cleavage, and facilitates gene silencing when expressed in human cells and supplied with miRNA precursors. A cryo-EM structure of HrAgo1, combined with quantitative single-...
Since a picture is emerging in which various DNA viruses have been documented to encode v-miRNAs and undergo transcription and biogenesis similar to host miRNAs [59], whether RNA–RNA interactions of RNA viruses might function as putative vsRNAs has been a matter of controversy for several years...
***: p < 0.0001; (B) a Venn diagram showing the unique and overlapping RNA–RNA interactions identified from three searching algorithms. To compare CLASH Analyst’s performance with previously analyzed results, we used the default parameter setting of CLASH Analyst to analyze three CLASH datasets...
Effective DNA repair is essential for cell survival: a failure to correctly repair damage leads to the accumulation of mutations and is the driving force for carcinogenesis. Multiple pathways have evolved to protect against both intrinsic and extrinsic g
Figure 2.The exosome and DDX6 complex is necessary for the maintenance of epidermal stem and progenitor cell function.(a) Diagram of the two major mRNA degradation pathways within mammalian cells including the 5′–3′ and 3′–5′ pathways mediated by XRN1 and the exosome complex, respectivel...