Jensen RB, Jensen KL, Jespersen HM, Skriver K (1998) Widespread occurrence of a highly conserved RING-H2 zinc finger motif in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Lett 436: 283-287Jensen RB, Jensen KL, Jespersen HM, Skriver K (1998) Widespread occurrence of a highly conserved RING-...
The RPM-1 protein has an RCC1-like guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) domain and a RING-H2 finger. RPM-1 is most similar to the Drosophila presynaptic protein Highwire (HIW) and the mammalian Myc binding protein Pam. RPM-1 is localized to the presynaptic region independent of ...
zinc fingerRING (really interesting new gene) zinc-finger proteins have important regulatory roles in the development of a variety of organisms. The XERICO gene encodes a small protein (162 amino acids) with an N-terminal trans-membrane domain and a RING-H2 zinc-finger motif located at the ...
OsRHP1 encodes a small protein (167 amino acids) with two N-terminal trans-membrane domains and a canonical RING-H2 zinc-finger motif located at the C-terminus. Ten putative homologs of OsRHP1 harboring one canonical RING-H2 finger domain exhibit in other plant species. In our work, OsR...
A novel blast-inducible RING-H2 type zinc finger protein gene OsRING-1 was cloned from rice by cDNA library screening. OsRING-1 is 1670 bp in length and encodes a 46.6 kDa basic protein with two transmembrane (TM) domains, a basic domain (BD), a conserved domain (CD), a RING finger...
APC11 contains a RING-H2鈥揻inger domain, which includes one histidine and seven cysteine residues that coordinate two Zn 2+ ions. We now show that exposure of purified APC11 to H 2O 2 (0.1 to 1 mM) induced the release of bound zinc as a result of the oxidation of cysteine residues...