C2H2锌指结构转录因子家族分析 ——以CTCF为例 Analysis of C2H2 Zinc finger Domain Transcription Factor Family ——CTCF as a case 小组:G02 汇报人:段文嘉 组员:吕钰麟王梦萱崔英姿 真核生物细胞染色质结构组织 Clemens B. Hug et al., Trends in Genetics., 2018 CTCF作为一种染色质结构蛋白介导染色质环的...
The C2H2 zinc finger (C2H2-ZF) is the most numerous protein domain in many metazoans, but is not as frequent or diverse in other eukaryotes. The biochemical and evolutionary mechanisms that underlie the diversity of this DNA-binding domain exclusively in metazoans are, however, mostly unknown. ...
Zinc finger domain锌指结构域 1.LSD1-like proteins are a family of plant-specific transcription factors that contain a specific class of C2C2 type zinc finger domain.该基因长988 bp,包含一个432 bp的开放阅读框,推导的氨基酸序列(143个氨基酸) 含有3个内部保守的锌指结构域。 3)C2H2 zinc fingerC2H2锌...
c2h2 型锌指对生物大分子的识别c2h2 zinc-finger - 药学学报.pdf,834 药学学报 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 20 13, 48 (6): 834 84 1 C2H2 型锌指对生物大分子的识别 多* ( 中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院药物研究所, 天然药物活性物质与功能国家重点实验室, 北京 100050)
zincproteindomainsdnamediatedinteractions REVIEWPAPER KeepYourFingersOffMyDNA:Protein–ProteinInteractions MediatedbyC2H2ZincFingerDomains KathrynJ.BrayerÆDavidJ.Segal Publishedonline:6February2008 ÓHumanaPressInc.2008 AbstractCys2-His2(C2H2)zincfingerdomains(ZFs) wereoriginallyidentifiedasDNA-bindingdomai...
Cys2-His2 (C2H2) zinc finger domains (ZFs) were originally identified as DNA-binding domains, and uncharacterized domains are typically assumed to function
植物C2H2型锌指蛋白的结构与功能 热度: 水稻c2h2型转录因子oszfp151在低温胁迫中的功能研究 热度: 玉米大斑病菌C2H2型锌指蛋白家族生物信息学分析及其基因表达研究 热度: C2H2锌指结构转录因子家族分析 ——以CTCF为例 AnalysisofC2H2ZincfingerDomainTranscriptionFactorFamily ...
Get Zinc fingers C2H2-type information, such as approved symbols, names and synonyms. Sino Biological develops proteins, antibodies, genes, ELISA kits and other research reagents for Zinc fingers C2H2-type, and all are produced in house.
The C2H2 zinc finger is the most prevalent protein motif in the mammalian proteome. Two C2H2 fingers in Ikaros are dedicated to homotypic interactions between family members. We show here that these fingers comprise a bona fide dimerization domain. Dimerization is highly selective, however, as ...
55 No. 16 out by Hidden Markov Model search and conserved structural domain analysis, physicochemical properties of C2H2-ZFPs were analyzed by Peptides software package, phylogenetic tree of C2H2 zinc finger proteins was constructed by using IQtree, and the conserved motifs and gene structures were...