锌指蛋白(Zinc finger protein,ZFP)是真核生 物基因组中最大的转录因子家族之一[12],参与 DNA 识别,转录激活,蛋白质翻译等过程."锌指"是指 含有由半胱氨酸(C)和组氨酸(H)残基组成的保 守结构域的蛋白质.该结构域与锌离子结合,在结 构上由 1 个双链反平行 β-折叠和 1 个螺旋组成[13]. 锌指蛋白根据...
Huang J,Wang J F,Zhang H S.Structure and function of plant C2H2zinc finger protein [J].Hereditas,2004,26(3):414-418. (in Chinese)黄骥, 王建飞, 张红生. 植物 C2H2 型锌指蛋白的结构与功能. 遗传, 2004, 26: 414-418. Huang J, Wang J F, Zhang H S. The structure and function of ...
EGR1 EGR1 AT225, early growth response protein 1, G0S30, KROX-24, nerve growth factor-induced protein A, NGFI-A, TIS8, transcription factor ETR103, ZIF-268, zinc finger protein 225, ZNF225 EGR2 EGR2 Krox-20 homolog, Drosophila EGR3 EGR3 PILOT, zinc finger protein pilot EGR4 EGR...
抗体名: Purified anti-C2H2 zinc finger protein phospho linker region (HpTGEKP) Antibody 亚型: Mouse IgG1, κ 浓度: 0.5 mg/ml % 是否单克隆: 是 靶点: 科研研究 免疫原: Peptide (HQRIH(pT)GEKPYKC) conjugated to KLH 用途: 科研研究 宿主: 小鼠 保质期: 科研研究 应用范围: WB, ...
(C2H2-ZF) proteins represent the largest class of putative human transcription factors. However, for most C2H2-ZF proteins it is unknown whether they even bind DNA or, if they do, to which sequences. Here, by combining data from a modified bacterial one-hybrid system with protein-binding ...
美键词:转录因子;C2H2锌指蛋白;结构;功能 4 05 中圉分类号:Q78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253--9772(2004)03—041 ofPlant Zinc Protein StructureandFunction C2H2Finger FeiZHANG HUANGJi,WANGJian Hong—Sheng Enhancement 210095,(^£州 andGermplasm№ⅢingAgricldturalUniversity.Nanjing ‘SlateKeyl.Jmratory...
bindingprotein-protein (Cys2/His2)typefingerprotein,which part called or been interactiondomains.C2H2zinc theclassical type fmger,also TFllIA-typcfingerhave foundinanumberof factersas motifs.At isreported eukaryedc DNA-bindingpresent,it transcription undervariousabioticstresses. thattheirinvolvementin ...
REVIEWPAPER KeepYourFingersOffMyDNA:Protein–ProteinInteractions MediatedbyC2H2ZincFingerDomains KathrynJ.BrayerÆDavidJ.Segal Publishedonline:6February2008 ÓHumanaPressInc.2008 AbstractCys2-His2(C2H2)zincfingerdomains(ZFs) wereoriginallyidentifiedasDNA-bindingdomains,and uncharacterizeddomainsaretypically...
Key words:Soybean;Zinc finger protein;STF-2;structural analysis 干旱、高盐、低温是限制植物生长发育的不利环境因 子[1]。锌指蛋白是转录因子的一种,其对植物的生长发育 和非生物胁迫有着重要作用。根据以往的锌指蛋白结构 分析结果,可将锌指蛋白分为C4、C2H2、C6、C4HC3等类型, 其中大部分类型的锌指蛋白都...
为了研究强抗逆植物沙冬青寒旱诱导表达基因AmZFP1(Zinc finger protein 1)的生理功能,通过转录谱分析,从中鉴定出一个受寒旱诱导的ZFP全长cDNA序列并命名为AmZFP1.利用半定量RT-PCR方法对AmZFP1进行了表达分析,结果表明,在室内正常培养的沙冬青幼苗中该基因有较高表达量,在低温或干燥处理2~48 h其表达量明显上调,...