Overthinking is a general term for rumination, or obsessive thoughts about a person or situation. Trauma 4 Min Read Healing Exercise for Validating and Releasing Trauma Many survivors find that others are unwilling or unable to validate their trauma history. Self Tests ...
Perseverative cognition includes rumination, worry, and getting stuck on a topic or idea. Autism 5 Min Read Married to A Partner On the Autism Spectrum? A 14-Step roadmap for couples where one partner might be on the autism spectrum. Autism 2 Min Read From Autistic Linear Spectrum...
The response styles theory (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991) was proposed to explain the insidious relationship between rumination and depression. We review the aspects of the response styles theory that have been well-supported, including evidence that rumination exacerbates depression, enhances negative thinking, ...
This paper discusses the ways in which Ama Ata Aidoo's The Dilemma of a Ghost (1965) can help us rethink Ghana's annual 'Year of Return' celebrations. Drawing on hooks' notion of 'homeplace', Ahmed's theorization of 'strange encounter,' and Sharpe's rumination on Black being 'in the ...
First Stage: Addressing the Immune System As trauma therapists, we tend to immediately dive intoself-regulationtechniques. However, I have learned that this is impossible when the immune system is overactive. At this stage, we must investigate what triggered the immune syste...