當你要把人家的說話,複述出來時, 就是reported speech了. (中文例)小明說: “今日我沒有上學.” 之後你複述他–小明說【當日】他沒有上學. Reported speech 裏, 開關引號不見了, 而「我」會變成「他」。 當句子由direct 改成reported speech 時, 要作出以下改變. Present tense =〉 past tense Past tense...
Reported Speech 当你要把人地既说话复述出唻既时候 你就需要用到reported speech. 中文例子: 小明: “今日我无返学.” 之后你复述时会讲: 小明话今日佢无返学. Reported speech 内 引号无左 而我会变成佢. 当句子由direct 改成reported speech 时 需要作以下既改变. Present tense ...
In conversation, Americans often quote direct speech, the exact words a person said, 在谈话中,美国人经常引用直接引语,也就是完全用某人所说的话, Exactly! And in writing and formal reported speech, people use the past tense. 是的!在书面和正式报告中,人们使用过去时。 For example, Sammy was wal...
Indirect (=Reported) Speech which gives the exact meaning of the speech has Tense changes in reported speech.No change with the tense of verb in indirect (=reported) speech when the introductory verb is in the present tense.Direct Speech changes to Reported Speech past tense. Note ...
更新1: 最好清晰和中英对照^_^ There are o ways of expressing speech;direct&indirect. Whether tense change is required or not in the reported speech depends on the tense of the introductory verb. No change needed when the introductory verb is in present tense. not past tense. ...
Daisy thanked Jimmy for wering her questions 2007-07-17 18:59:39 补充: 因是report speech 是转达人哋意思, 所以是past tense而thanked Jimmy for wering her questions就已说明是Jimmy wer的 so no need (but also ok) to say HIS wering the questions ...
verb tenses in reported speech shift back one tense. For example, present simple becomes past simple (e.g., “I go” becomes “he said he went”). However, if the reporting is done in the present, or the original statement is about a universal truth or habitual action, the tense may...
Direct speech uses quotation marks to indicate the exact words that were spoken. Indirect speech does not use quotation marks. Direct speech uses thepresent tense,past tense, orfuture tense, depending on when the words were spoken. Indirect speech usually uses the past tense. ...
Reported speech:He said that he travelled a lot in his job. 间接引语: He said that he travelled a lot in his job. The present simple tense (I travel) usually changes to the past simple (he travelled) in reported speech. 一般现在时态,在间接引语里一般变成一般过去时。 • Direct speech...
But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech: Direct speech: I like ice cream. Reported speech: Shesaid(that) shelikedice cream. TenseDirect SpeechReported Speech present simpleI like ice creamShe said (that) she liked ice crea...