No Change in Verb Tenses in Reported Speech | Image 间接引语|图像动词时态无变化 Introductory Verbs in Reported Speech引语中的动词 List of Introductory Verbs in Reported Speech. 引语动词的列表。 Tell, say, askVerb + that + clause: complain, deny, explain, exclaim, remark, promise, boast, info...
In reported speech, 'I'll come later' becomes 'He said he'd come later'. In standard reported speech, the words of the speaker typically undergo certain rule-governed transformations affecting pronouns and verb tenses. Certain grammatical rules must be followed when describing a conversation in ...
词汇 reported speech 释义 reported speech Word family adjectivereportablereportorialnounreportagereporterreportingreported speechadverbreportedlyreportinglyreportoriallyverbreport Related topics: Grammarreˌported ˈspeech ●○○ noun [uncountableU] technical SLGin grammar, words that are used to tell ...
In reported speech, you often have to change the pronoun depending on who says what. Example She says, “My mum doesn’t have time today.”– She says that her mum doesn’t have time today. Tenses No backshift Do not change the tense if the introductory clause is in Simple Present (...
Generally, verb tenses in reported speech shift back one tense. For example, present simple becomes past simple (e.g., “I go” becomes “he said he went”). However, if the reporting is done in the present, or the original statement is about a universal truth or habitual action, the...
But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech: Direct speech: I like ice cream. Reported speech: Shesaid(that) shelikedice cream. TenseDirect SpeechReported Speech present simpleI like ice creamShe said (that) she liked ice crea...
Reported speech间接引语 REPORTEDSPEECH Shetoldmethatblablabla...REPORTEDSPEECH Blablabla...REPORTEDSPEECH Thisishowwereportwhatpeoplesaid:a.b.DirectSpeech:Simon:“IwenttoRome.”ReportedSpeech:+PAST SimonsaidthathehadgonetoRome.Subject+ReportingVerbTenseChange Tensesaremovedintothepast.a.b.DirectSpeech:...
小学一年级英语 Reported Speech 1.Reportedspeech2.Reportedspeechwithouttensechanges3.Reportedspeechwithtensechanges4.Otherchangesinreportedspeech5.Reportedquestions6.Reportedimperatives7.Reportingverbs Weusereportedspeechwhenwearesayingwhatotherpeoplesay,thinkorbelieve.Hesayshewantsit.Ibelievehelovesher....
speechExamples from the Corpusreported speech•Thedirectiveshad noapplicationtoparliamentaryproceedingsorelectionsand allowedreported speech.•Consider, for example,reported speech.•In standardreported speech, the words of thespeakertypicallyundergocertain rule-governedtransformationsaffectingpronounsandverbtenses...
If we report something which is still true, it is not necessary to change the verb. Direct speech: “My carisbigger than yours.” Reported speech: He said his caris/wasbigger than mine. When we are reporting past tenses and we see the events from the same viewpoint as the original spea...