speechExamples from the Corpusreported speech•Thedirectiveshad noapplicationtoparliamentaryproceedingsorelectionsand allowedreported speech.•Consider, for example,reported speech.•In standardreported speech, the words of thespeakertypicallyundergocertain rule-governedtransformationsaffectingpronounsandverbtenses...
1.Reportedspeech2.Reportedspeechwithouttensechanges3.Reportedspeechwithtensechanges4.Otherchangesinreportedspeech5.Reportedquestions6.Reportedimperatives7.Reportingverbs Weusereportedspeechwhenwearesayingwhatotherpeoplesay,thinkorbelieve.Hesayshewantsit.Ibelievehelovesher.Shetoldmehehadaskedhertomarryhim...
Reported speech and tensesComplete the sentences.Twitter ShareEnglish exercise "Reported speech and tenses" created by necroboynonoss with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from necroboynonoss]Click here to see the current stats of this English testPlease...
By my third reported speech lesson plan (RS1.3-Intro-to-Reported-Speech-3), I introduce the backshifting principle for all the major tenses: After backshifting… Once your students are comfortable with backshifting, there are some additional concepts to teach your students when shifting from dire...
But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech: Direct speech: I like ice cream. Reported speech: Shesaid(that) shelikedice cream. TenseDirect SpeechReported Speech present simpleI like ice creamShe said (that) she liked ice crea...
Parts of Speech Types of Sentences Reported speech- Play of the tenses: Direct speech tense Indirect/Reported speech tense Simple present simple past present continous past continuous simple past past perfect past continuous past perfect continuous present perfect tense past perfect tense past perfect te...
In English grammar, we use reported speech to say what another person has said. In reported speech, we change the tense and pronouns to show that some time has passed. Learn all about reported speech in English with Lingolia, then test your knowledge in
Direct speech: “My carisbigger than yours.” Reported speech: He said his caris/wasbigger than mine. When we are reporting past tenses and we see the events from the same viewpoint as the original speaker, it is not necessary to change the tense. ...
044 Tenses in Reported Speech 252023-10 3 043 Reported Speech 512023-10 4 042 Questions Overview 442023-10 5 041 Short Answers 472023-10 6 040 Short Questions 562023-10 7 039 Question Tags 252023-10 8 038 Indirect Questions 192023-10 9 037 Object & Subject Questions 502023-10 10 036 Open...
Reported Speech: In this article, you will be introduced to reported speech, its meaning and definition, how and when to use it. You can also check out the examples given for a much better understanding of reported speech.