present tense verbs (3rd person singular) place and time expressions tenses (backshift) Also note that you have to: transform the question into an indirect question use the interrogative orif/whether TypeExample with interrogativedirect speech“Why don’t you speak English?” ...
In reported speech, you often have to change the pronoun depending on who says what. Example She says, “My mum doesn’t have time today.”– She says that her mum doesn’t have time today. Tenses No backshift Do not change the tense if the introductory clause is in Simple Present (...
In reported speech the tenses, word-order and pronouns may be different from those in the original sentence. 用间接引语的句子,其时态、单词顺序和代词可能会跟原句的不同。 Present simple and present continuous tenses 一般现在时和现在进行时 • Direct speech: I travel a lot in my job. 直接...
speech with tense changes.───改变时态的间接引语。 The use of the reported speech relates to two different speech acts.───引语的使用,涉及到两个不同的言语行为. Write out the following quotes as a relayed message in present tense or reported speech.───使用现在时态及报道叙述句型来转述他...
ReportedSpeech UsageofReportedSpeech Whentransformingstatements,checkwhetheryouhavetochange:pronounspresenttenseverbs(3rdpersonsingular.placeandtimeexpressionstenses(backshift.Alsonotethatyouhaveto:transformthequestionintoanindirectquestionusetheinterrogativeorif/whether Whentransforming...
But, if the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we change the tenses in the reported speech: Direct speech: I like ice cream. Reported speech: Shesaid(that) shelikedice cream. TenseDirect SpeechReported Speech present simpleI like ice creamShe said (that) she liked ice crea...
Present simple and present continuous tenses 一般现在时和现在进行时 • Direct speech: I travel a lot in my job. 直接语气: “I travel a lot in my job” Reported speech:He said that he travelled a lot in his job. 间接引语: He said that he travelled a lot in his job. ...
小学一年级英语 Reported Speech 1.Reportedspeech2.Reportedspeechwithouttensechanges3.Reportedspeechwithtensechanges4.Otherchangesinreportedspeech5.Reportedquestions6.Reportedimperatives7.Reportingverbs Weusereportedspeechwhenwearesayingwhatotherpeoplesay,thinkorbelieve.Hesayshewantsit.Ibelievehelovesher....
Reportedspeech •Whentransformingstatements,checkwhetheryouhavetochange:•pronouns•presenttenseverbs(3rdpersonsingular)•placeandtimeexpressions•tenses(backshift)Reportedspeech Shetoldme(that…)Introductoryverbs Hesaid(that…)Theyexplained(that..)Ipointedout(that…)Sheadded(that..)Heclaimed(that..)T...
Generally, verb tenses in reported speech shift back one tense. For example, present simple becomes past simple (e.g., “I go” becomes “he said he went”). However, if the reporting is done in the present, or the original statement is about a universal truth or habitual action, the...