方法一:栈 classSolution{public:stringremoveDuplicates(stringS){stack<char> sc;for(charc : S) {if(!sc.empty() && sc.top() == c) sc.pop();elsesc.push(c); }stringstreamss;while(!sc.empty()) { ss << sc.top(); sc.pop(); }stringretStr = ss.str(); reverse(retStr.begin(), ...
Return the final string after all such duplicate removals have been made. It is guaranteed the answer is unique. Example 1: Input:"abbaca" Output:"ca" Explanation: For example, in "abbaca" we could remove "bb" since the letters are adjacent and equal, and this is the only possible mov...
1047.Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String Given a stringSof lowercase letters, aduplicate removalconsists of choosing two adjacent and equal letters, and removing them. We repeatedly make duplicate removals on S until we no longer can. Return the final string after all such duplicate removals ...
Solved: Hello, I have in a column, values including some duplicates : Ex : Input : ID Value ID1 A-B-A-C-A ID2 A-B ID3 A-C-C Expected Output : ID
最后栈中的元素需要按匹配成功次数还原才是答案:例如: [s, c], [2, 1]。 答案应该是ssc。 classSolution:defremoveDuplicates(self,s:str,k:int)->str:num_st=[]cnt_st=[]foriinrange(len(s)):ifnotnum_stornum_st[-1]!=s[i]:num_st.append(s[i])cnt_st.append(1)else:cnt_st[-1]+=1...
// 我的LeetCode题解代码仓:https://github.com/Chanmoey/play-leetcode-noteclassSolution{public StringremoveDuplicates(String s,int k){Deque<Character>stack=newLinkedList<>();char[]chars=s.toCharArray();int dup=0;for(char aChar:chars){// 栈空单独考虑if(stack.isEmpty()){stack.addLast(aChar...
Best way to prevent a user from clicking the submit button multiple times and thus inserting duplicates? Best way to sanitize querystring Bind dropdownlist datatextfield with multiple columns in database Bind DropDownList to Textbox Blank page is displayed when viewing through Print Preview Blazor -...
Is there still interest in pursuing this issue? When a string is to be considered duplicated? in relation to the text it contains? its name? both cases? In what context should the search for duplicates take place? Within a json file (e.g.,tasks.json)?
problem 1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String solution#1: 使用stack; code: solution#2: 快慢指针; code solution#3: 数据类型string的特性; code 参考 1. leetcode_easy_stack_1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String; ...