方法一:栈 classSolution{public:stringremoveDuplicates(stringS){stack<char> sc;for(charc : S) {if(!sc.empty() && sc.top() == c) sc.pop();elsesc.push(c); }stringstreamss;while(!sc.empty()) { ss << sc.top(); sc.pop(); }stringretStr = ss.str(); reverse(retStr.begin(), ...
关键点:stack classSolution {publicString removeDuplicates(String S) {char[] chars; Stack<Character> stack =newStack<>();for(charc : S.toCharArray()) {//if find the same char, remove it from stackif(!stack.empty() && c ==stack.peek()) { stack.pop(); }else{//put it into stacks...
1047.Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String Given a stringSof lowercase letters, aduplicate removalconsists of choosing two adjacent and equal letters, and removing them. We repeatedly make duplicate removals on S until we no longer can. Return the final string after all such duplicate removals ...
Solved: Hello, I have in a column, values including some duplicates : Ex : Input : ID Value ID1 A-B-A-C-A ID2 A-B ID3 A-C-C Expected Output : ID
// 我的LeetCode题解代码仓:https://github.com/Chanmoey/play-leetcode-noteclassSolution{public StringremoveDuplicates(String s,int k){Deque<Character>stack=newLinkedList<>();char[]chars=s.toCharArray();int dup=0;for(char aChar:chars){// 栈空单独考虑if(stack.isEmpty()){stack.addLast(aChar...
给出由小写字母组成的字符串 S,重复项删除操作会选择两个相邻且相同的字母,并删除它们。 在S 上反复执行重复项删除操作,直到无法继续删除。 在完成所有重复项删除操作后返回最终的字符串。答案保证唯一。 【示例】 输入:"abbaca" 输出:"ca" 解释:
Is there still interest in pursuing this issue? When a string is to be considered duplicated? in relation to the text it contains? its name? both cases? In what context should the search for duplicates take place? Within a json file (e.g.,tasks.json)?
最后栈中的元素需要按匹配成功次数还原才是答案:例如: [s, c], [2, 1]。 答案应该是ssc。 classSolution:defremoveDuplicates(self,s:str,k:int)->str:num_st=[]cnt_st=[]foriinrange(len(s)):ifnotnum_stornum_st[-1]!=s[i]:num_st.append(s[i])cnt_st.append(1)else:cnt_st[-1]+=1...
problem 1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String solution#1: 使用stack; code: solution#2: 快慢指针; code solution#3: 数据类型string的特性; code 参考 1. leetcode_easy_stack_1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String; ...