基础医学论文:CD8+调节性T细胞的分类及其对自身免疫性疾病的治疗作用 Classification of CD8+ regulatory T cells and their therapeutic effects on autoimmune diseases 热度: a role for regulatory t cells in a murine model of epicutaneous toluene diisocyanate sensitization.的角色调节性t细胞在上皮甲苯二异氰酸酯...
Regulatory T cells-centered regulatory networks of skeletal muscle inflammation and regenerationReview Open access Published: 22 July 2022 Volume 12, article number 112, (2022) Cite this article Download PDF You have full access to this open access article ...
Regulation by CD4+CD25+ T cells is one of the mechanisms used in vivo to both induce and maintain transplantation tolerance. Alloantigen-specific regulatory T (TReg) cells can be generated either in vivo or ex vivo. TReg cells are found in the graft, as well as in the peripheral lympho...
Using recently described “depletion of regulatory T cell” (DEREG) mice, we found that selective depletion of regulatory T cells (Tregs) during acute respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection enhanced viral clearance but increased weight loss, local cytokine and chemokine release, and T-cell ...
A special population of regulatory T cells potentiates muscle repair Cell, 155 (6) (2013), pp. 1282-1295 View PDFView articleGoogle Scholar [8] A. Saxena, M. Dobaczewski, V. Rai, Z. Haque, W. Chen, N. Li, N.G. Frangogiannis Regulatory T cells are recruited in the infarcted mouse...
Using MMP9 and CCL2 knockout mice, we discovered that both molecules partially contributed to the protective actions of regulatory T cells. In an in vitro endothelial cell-based model of the blood-brain barrier, we confirmed that regulatory T cells inhibited tPA-induced endothelial expression of ...
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are an immunosuppressive subpopulation of CD4+ T cells that are endowed with potent suppressive activity and function to limit immune activation and maintain homeostasis. These cells are identified by the hallmark transcription factor FOXP3 and the high-affinity interleukin-2...
Treg 调节性T细胞 Regulatory T cells 英文名称: Regulatory T cells 总访问: 257 国产/进口: 国产 半年访问: 12 产地/品牌: 北京 产品类别: 其他生物试剂 规格: 100mL 最后更新: 2024-12-25 货号: CAS 号: 参考报价: 20 立即询价 电话咨询 ...
REGULATORYT-CELLS InvestigationofregulatoryT-cellsisahottopicinimmunology.SeveraltypesofTregpopulationshavebeenidentified:forexampleCD4+IL-10-producingTr1cells,TGF-βproducingTh3cells,CD8+CD28-T-cells,HLA-E-specificCD8+T-cellsetc.ThislectureisaboutthebestcharacterizedCD4+CD25+FOXP3+Tregs. ...
(for review see Jonuleit H, Schmitt E. The regulatory T cell family: distinct subsets and their interrelations. J Immunol 2003;171:6323–6327.) Briefly, T regulatory (Tr)-1 cells as well as T helper (Th)-3 T cells express common T cell markers such as CD4 and are characterized by ...