Objectives Identify the key enzymes involved in glycogen metabolism & how they are regulated by hormones through protein kinases Describe the process of glucose uptake including the role of insulin, Integrate the metabolic pathways of glycolysis, glycogen metabolism & gluconeogenesis to explain how the b...
【生物化学】Regulation of CHO Metabolism 1Regulationofglycolysis 1.WhenATPlevelsaresufficient,glycolysisactivitydecreases ☺Hexokinaseinhibitedbyexcessglucose6-phosphate ☺PFK-1isinhibitedbyATPandcitrate☺PyruvatekinaseisinhibitedbyATP 2.WhenATPisneeded,glycolysisisactivated ☺AMP(theproductofATPconsumption)...
Glycogen is a highly-branched polymer of glucose that can be quickly degraded to yield glucose-1P which is isomerized to glucose-6P for use in glycolysis by muscle cells, or it is dephosphorylated in liver cells and exported. Glycogen phosphorylase removes one glucose at a time from the nonr...
Stabilizingbloodglucoselevelsby:GlycogenesisConversionofglucosetofatGlycogenolysisGluconeogenesis(AAs,glycerol,lactate…)Ketonebodies(FAs)不同营养状态下肝内如何进行糖代谢?➢饱食状态:•肝糖原合成↑•过多糖则转化为脂肪,以VLDL形式输出 ➢空腹状态:•肝糖原分解↑补充血糖 ➢饥饿状态:•以糖异生为主...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR), master regulators of liver metabolism, are down-regulated in fatty liver diseases. The present study aimed to elucidate the role of down-regulation of HNF4α and GR in fatty liver and hyperlipidemia. Methods Adult mice wi...
The cuproptosis-related lncRNA LINC00853 significantly enhances cellular glycolysis and cell proliferation in pancreatic cancer (PC) cells by PFKFB3 and increases the level of cellular mitochondrial respiration and tumor growth rate [102]. Meanwhile, another cuproptosis-related lncRNA, CASC8, is highl...
Yang J, An D, Zhang P: Expression profiling of cassava storage roots reveals an active process of glycolysis/gluconeogenesis. J Integr Plant Biol. 2011, 53: 193-211. 10.1111/j.1744-7909.2010.01018.x. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Schilmiller AL, Stout J, Weng JK, Humphreys J, Rue...
TheconversionofpyruvateintoacetylCoA(orlactateinthecaseofanaerobicrespiration)preventspyruvatefrombuildingup.Thisincreasestherateofglycolysisandinhibitstherateofgluconeogenesis.Productinhibitionofenzymeactivity Enzymeactivityisregulatedbyfourdifferentmechanisms* (1)Allostericcontrol(2)Covalentmodification(3)Proteolytic...
) When B.G.L is low Glucagon is released (α) Epinephrine and cortisol are released Hydrolysis of glycogen The release of insulin and glucagon is not an all-or-nothing situation. The relative concentrations of these two hormones in the blood determine the shift between energy storage and ...
Pyk1, which present in the cell at a similar levels to Tsa1 (Fig. 3D), plays an important role in the rate-limiting step of glycolysis13. Although the PK activity of Pyk1 is repressed in the absence of the allosteric activator FBP, residual PK activity may need to be repressed to ...