5.2糖酵解的调节 Regulation of glycolysis(上) 1475 播放芭比衣橱 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~选集(126) 自动播放 [1] 1绪论 2316播放 03:52 [2] 2.1氨基酸的结构Structur... 970播放 05:42 [3] 2.2氨基酸的分类与性质Class... 651播放 06:56 [4] 2.2...
Ataullakhanov, FI , Vitvitsky, VM , Zhabotinsky, AM , Pichugin, AV , Platonova, OV , Kholodenko, BN , and Ehrlich, LI , ( 1981 ) The regulation of glycolysis in human erythrocytes. The dependence of the glycolytic flux on the ATP concentration Eur. J. Biochem. 115 : 2 , 359– ...
A study of regulation of glycolysis is directly related to the mechanisms coupling glycolytic reactions to other cellular processes to which glycolysis donates phosphoryl groups, reducing equivalents and carbon fragments for further oxidation, reduction, and biosynthesis. Any activation of the latter process...
【生物化学】Regulation of CHO Metabolism 1Regulationofglycolysis 1.WhenATPlevelsaresufficient,glycolysisactivitydecreases ☺Hexokinaseinhibitedbyexcessglucose6-phosphate ☺PFK-1isinhibitedbyATPandcitrate☺PyruvatekinaseisinhibitedbyATP 2.WhenATPisneeded,glycolysisisactivated ☺AMP(theproductofATPconsumption)...
Mature erythrocytes, when removed from the circulation, exhibit severe disturbances of glycolytic flow, with accumulation not only of lactate, the ultimate product of glycolysis, but also of several upstream metabolic intermediates, primarily fructose-1,6-diphosphate, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, and dihydr...
Regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis There are three strongly exergonic reaction steps in glycolysis, which are physiologically irreversible. In the opposite direction (gluconeogenesis), these steps are catalyzed by different enzymes from those used in glycolysis. Regulatory actions of both pathways...
glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation as well as the mitochondrial activity in SCs. Our findings provide the basic evidence that engineered expression of MscL in SCs with mechanical stretching may serve as a potential strategy for peripheral nerve regeneration via the upregulation of the energy meta...
RosE IA, ZB ROSE 1969 Glycolysis: regulation and mechanism of the enzymes. In M Florkin, EH Stotz, eds, Comprehensive Biochemistry, Vol 17. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 93-161Rose IA, Rose ZB (1969): Glycolysis: Regulation and mechanisms of the enzymes. In Florkin M, Stotz EH (eds): "...
of cellular regulation. Organized into eight chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the role of phosphofructokinase in the regulation of glycolysis. This text then outlines the structural aspects of phosphofructokinase, its main kinetic properties, and the various mechanisms that have been ...
TIGAR, a p53-inducible regulator of glycolysis and apoptosis. Cell 2006; 126:107–120. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Bensaad K, Cheung EC, Vousden KH . Modulation of intracellular ROS levels by TIGAR controls autophagy. Embo J 2009; 28:3015–3026. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central ...