欧盟REACH限制物质清单(第30批2023年9月27日).pdf,REACH ANNEX XVII - Restriction List REACH 法规附件XVII 限制物质清单 (As of Oct 2023, a total of 78 items) (截止到2023.10,共78 项) Column 1 第一栏 Column 2 第二栏 Designation of the substance, of the group
REACH 2025 Restricted Chemical List (Annex XVII) REACH stands for: Registration: Chemical producers are required to register safety data for all chemicals produced. Evaluation: Experts from member states and the European Agency evaluate safety data for higher volume chemicals and other chemicals of ...
内容提示: REACH ANNEX XVII - Restriction List REACH 法规附件 XVII 限制物质清单 (As of Sep, 2023, a total of 78 items) (截止到 2023.09,共 78 项) Column 1 第一栏 Designation of the substance, of the group of substances or of the mixture 物质名称、物质组名称或混合物名称 Column 2 第二...
Both Annex XVII and theSVHC Candidate Listbelong to the REACH Regulation and list chemicals that are deemed harmful to human beings or the environment, and whose uses are regulated in the EU. The main difference between Annex XVII and the SVHC Candidate List is the level of substance control ...
The Annex XVII of REACH regulation contains the list of restrictions of certain hazardous substances, mixtures and articles for their marketing and use on the European market. A restriction can apply to any substance on its own, in a mixture or in an article, including those that do not requi...
Restrictions List (Annex XVII):This Annex includes a list of 78 chemicals whose production, use, or supply on the market is restricted for certain conditions or banned. How REACH24H Can Support You with Ukraine REACH Compliance As an experienced regulatory consulting firm, REACH24H offers comprehen...
On September 27, 2023, EU made updates to its REACH Regulation in its amendments Regulation (EU) 2023/2055. This amendment introduced Article 78 to Annex XVII of the REACH regulation (EU No 1907/2006), which pertains to restrictions on synthetic polymer
AnnexXVIIrestrictionsonthemanufacture,placingonthemarketanduseofcertaindangeroussubstances, preparationsandarticles 危險物質、製備與成品產製與置於市場之限制清單(附錄17) ECHASVHCANNEXXVIILIST 化學物質(群組)或混合物中之化學物質 名稱Designationofthesubstance,ofthe ...
REACHstandsfor “Registration,Evaluation,AuthorisationandRestrictionofCHemicals”.REACH是“化学品的注册、评估、授权和限制”的缩写。物品Article通报notification(SVHC>0.1%&>1t/y)供应链信息(SVHC>0.1%)informationinthesupplychain授权authorization(AnnexXIV)限制restriction(AnnexXVII)...
carcinogenic toxicity,inREACH annex XVIIthecadmium content shall not exceed 0.01% in jewelry [...] ctt17025.com ctt17025.com 鉴于镉元素的本身毒性,及其致癌毒性,REACH法规附录17规定首饰(包括发饰、手表及护腕)中镉含量不得超过0.01%;该限值适用于使用2011年12月10日之后首次上 市的产品。