歐盟成員國在2024年2月29日REACH委員會會議上投票支持限制全氟己酸(PFHxA)、其鹽類和相關物質,將其列入REACH Annex XVII中,此提案最初是由德國當局在2020年提出的,草案現在將接受歐洲議會和理事會為期三個月的審查,之後才能由委員會採納。 REACH Annex XVII限制草案內容: 定義: 「全氟己酸(PFHxA)、其鹽類和PFHxA...
2024年6月27日,ECHA 歐洲化學品管理局於官網公布,第31批諮詢清單中的1項物質將正式納入SVHC候選物質清單。因此,歐盟高度關注物質 (SVHC) 候選清單增至241項物質。公司有責任管理這些化學品的風險,並向客戶和消費者提供有關其安全使用的資訊。 2024 年 6 月 27 日新增至候選清單中 : 該物質將來可能會被列入授權...
Restriction Restrictions List (Annex XVII):This Annex includes a list of 78 chemicals whose production, use, or supply on the market is restricted for certain conditions or banned. How REACH24H Can Support You with Ukraine REACH Compliance As an experienced regulatory consulting firm, REACH24H offe...
欧盟REACH限制物质清单(第30批2023年9月27日).pdf,REACH ANNEX XVII - Restriction List REACH 法规附件XVII 限制物质清单 (As of Oct 2023, a total of 78 items) (截止到2023.10,共78 项) Column 1 第一栏 Column 2 第二栏 Designation of the substance, of the group
Both Annex XVII and theSVHC Candidate Listbelong to the REACH Regulation and list chemicals that are deemed harmful to human beings or the environment, and whose uses are regulated in the EU. The main difference between Annex XVII and the SVHC Candidate List is the level of substance control ...
REACH compliance testing tests products for the presence of substances found on Annex XVII and Candidate List of SVHCs. If a chemical is present in any concentration and is listed on Annex XVII, it will fail testing and would be banned from the EU market. SVHCs require authorization to be ...
Annex XVII Restricted Substances Phthalates AZO colorants in textiles Nickel release from metal products in direct contact with skin Benzene Candidate list of SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern) Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or toxic to Reproduction (CMR) ...
Annex XVII of the REACH Regulationis a list that contains prohibitions and conditional restrictions affecting substances, mixtures, and articles. The restriction differs depending on the substance. Here are some examples of restrictions affecting the use of substances listed in Annex XVII: ...
REACh Annex XVII Intel has completed surveying its supply chain on the use of the substances listed in Annex XVII. None of the substances listed in Annex XVII is used in Intel FPGA devices or the packing material.Related Links Intel® FPGA Quality and Reliability Intel® FPGA Support...