南京瑞旭 — 值得您信赖的环境法规咨询及合规专家 1 / 58 REACH 附件 XVII 最新一次更新:2020.8.3 本文是对 REACH 法规附件 XVII 的中文翻译,文中若存在歧义的部分,请参阅英文版本。 某些危险物质、混合物、物品在制造,投放市场和使用过程中的限制 第一栏 物质名称、物质组名称或混合物名称 第二栏 限制条件...
内容提示: REACH Annex XVII (Updated as on 14th April 2011) Following table describes the restricted or banned substances, their conditions of restriction and the relevant industry sector affected: S. No. of the substance CAS No. EC No. Name Conditions of restriction 1. Polychlorinated terphenyls...
欧盟REACH限制物质清单(第30批2023年9月27日).pdf,REACH ANNEX XVII - Restriction List REACH 法规附件XVII 限制物质清单 (As of Oct 2023, a total of 78 items) (截止到2023.10,共78 项) Column 1 第一栏 Column 2 第二栏 Designation of the substance, of the group
REACH 危险物质限制清单-Annex XVII-60项 REACH 附件XVII (陈庆今译) 物质物质、组物质或、组物质或混合物混合物 限制条件限制条件 物质物质、、组物质或组物质或混合物混合物 限制条件限制条件 1、多氯三联苯 (PCTs ) 不应以如下方式投放市场或使用 作为物质; 浓度高于 50mg/kg(重量百分比0.005 %) 时用于混合...
REACH物质宣告_ANNEXXVII.PDF,11Fl., No. 205, Sec. 3, Beishin Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: +886-2-8913-1588 FAX: +886-2-8913-1788 Web: REACH regulation compliance _ ANNEX XVI REACH 物質宣告_ANNEX XVII The list of restriction
Both Annex XVII and theSVHC Candidate Listbelong to the REACH Regulation and list chemicals that are deemed harmful to human beings or the environment, and whose uses are regulated in the EU. The main difference between Annex XVII and the SVHC Candidate List is the level of substance control ...
REACH限制物质清单REACH 附件XVII(中文版) 热度: A Simplified Version of REACH Annex XVII REACH … 热度: REACH法规附件法规附件法规附件法规附件XVII-限制物质限制物质限制物质限制物质 1 物质组或混合物(配物品)中的物质名称限制条件 1.多氯代三联苯(PCTs) ...
REACH Annex XVII 資料整理資料整理對應法規版本:Consolidated Text: 2006R1907 — EN — 09.10.2012 — 014.001Updated Amendment: EU 126/2013#英文名稱中文翻譯舊指令沿革新版修訂資料規範1Polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs)多氯三聯苯76/769/EEC82/828/EEC85/467/EEC89/677/EEC1.不得以物質型態使用2.於混合物...
AnnexXVIIrestrictionsonthemanufacture,placingonthemarketanduseofcertaindangeroussubstances, preparationsandarticles 危險物質、製備與成品產製與置於市場之限制清單(附錄17) ECHASVHCANNEXXVIILIST 化學物質(群組)或混合物中之化學物質 名稱Designationofthesubstance,ofthe ...
In Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, the following entry is added: URL: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=OJ:L_202402462 BACL Physical and Chemical Inspection and Certification Services BACL, with its headquarter in Silicon Valley, it is a global and comp...