Restriction: Chemicals may be completely banned or some uses of the chemicals can be restricted. The following is the 2025 updated list of REACH restricted compounds and substances, not to be confused with the largerSVHC listof 200+ substances that are not yet restricted. RoHs restricted substance...
Are Annex XVII substances banned?Some substances are banned, such as asbestos fibres or PCT. However, some substances are restricted to a certain amount (e.g. 0.1% by weight) or a certain migration limit (e.g. 0.5 μg/cm2/week). Such substances can be used if the conditions of the ...
清单可见链接:限制清单(Annex XVII)限制清单,即REACH法规的附件XVII,则是限制或禁止有害物质以及含有有害物质的产品投放到欧盟市场的法律文件。这些限制具有法律约束力,限制措施可能包括浓度阈值设定、使用禁令或其他管理措施。企业需严格遵守这些限制条件,确保产品在整个生命周...
REACH Restricted Substance List 2023 (REACH Annex XVII) Currently there are77valid entries on REACH Annex XVII (updated 2023).Each entry shows the substance or group of substances or the mixture, and the consequent restrictions conditions. Please note thatentry 33, 39 and 42have been deleted due...
The following items have been added to the REACH Annex XVII restricted substances list: [Include specific items as needed] 78. Synthetic polymer microparticles: polymers that are solid and which fulfil both of the following conditions: (a) are contained in particles and constitute at least 1 % ...
Authorization List (Annex XIV):Substances included in Annex XIV cannot be manufactured, imported, or used unless authorization has been granted. Restriction Restrictions List (Annex XVII):This Annex includes a list of 78 chemicals whose production, use, or supply on the market is restricted for ce...
All products intended for sale in EU shall comply with REACH Annex XVII- “Restrictions on the Manufacture, Placing on the Market and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Articles” also known as "Restricted Substances List (RSL)". REACH Annex XVII sets restrictions by limiting ...
Any substance which is used as a substance or in preparations shall be restricted in EU, as long as the use of the substance poses an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Currently, there are 59 categories of restricted substances in REACH Annex XVII, involving more than ...
More info about REACH annex XVII restricted substances list can be found here. Please also try another useful tool called REACH SVHC Finder.Please note that the CAS no. given below is not an-exhaustive list. There may be some exemptions for each entry. Please refer to original legislation. ...
Recently, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) proposed to add 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) substances to the EU REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Appendix XVII Restricted Substances List to restrict them, and open the public consult. This public commen