Ray Tracing in One Weekend Book Series 《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》是一个广受好评的关于光线追踪的入门实践教程,教程手把手教你仅用几百行C++代码逐步搭建一个软件光线追踪渲染器。 这是一个系列教程,包括 《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》 《Ray Tracing: The Next Week》 《Ray Tracing: The Reset of...
nano_raytracing_page.vue BeginCanvas HitObject Normal Antialiasing Diffuse Mental Dielectrics Summary Foreword 本文参考[Ray Tracing in One Weekend],详细讲述了基于Web页面,可视化一系列PathTracing细节的过程,本文结合在线页面展示、详细代码,旨在加深对CG知识记忆和理解,从容面对面试难题。 0 鉴于篇幅原因,其他内...
1.fov: field of view 它是一个角度 它分为两种:垂直方向岔开的角度(vfov)和水平方向岔开的角度(hfov) vfov即相机在垂直方向上从屏幕顶端扫描到底部所岔开的视角角度 hfov即相机在水平方向上从屏幕左端扫描到右端所岔开的视角角度 2.aspect:屏幕宽高比 我们之前是通过直接定义屏幕的坐标位置来确定屏幕,现在,我们...
///ray.h//---//[author] lv//[begin ] 2018.12//[brief ] the ray-class for the ray-tracing project//from the 《ray tracing in one week》//---#pragmaonce#include"RTdef.h"namespacert {classray {public: ray() :_a{ rtvec() } , _b{ rtvec() } { } ray(constrtvec& a,con...
// [brief ] the ray-class for the ray-tracing project // from the 《ray tracing in one week》 // --- #ifndef RAY_H #define RAY_H #include<lvgm\type_vec\type_vec.h>//https://www.cnblogs.com/lv-anchoret/p/10163085.html class ray { public: using value_type = lvgm::precision...
🧪 A simple 3D raytracer written in Lua over a couple of weekends. experimentluagraphicscomputer-graphicsray-tracerraytracerraytracingray-tracing3d3d-graphicsraytracing-one-weekendpeter-shirleyray-tracing-in-one-weekendray-tracing-the-next-weekraytracing-in-one-weekendray-tracing-in-a-weekend ...
前段时间打算研究研究光线追踪,在网上找着找着资料的时候就发现了一本好书:Ray tracing in one weekend。这本书有三个系列:Ray tracing in one weekend, Ray tracing the next week, Ray tracing the rest of your life。目前只看到 in one weekend, 基本光线追踪的基础知识都在里面了。讲的非常简洁但又非常在...
Recent announcements of NVIDIA’s new Turing GPUs, RTX technology, and Microsoft’s DirectX Ray Tracing have spurred a renewed interest in ray tracing.
compute what color is seen in direction of those rays Calculate form which ray goes from the eyes to pixel compute what that ray intersects(横断,贯穿) compute a color for that intersections point Color(Ray) function - linear blends/ linear interpolation/ lerp(线性插值) ...
Ray tracing on GPU systems .githubPublic RayTracing Organization information for GitHub InOneWeekendPublic archive DEPRECATED — Head to the raytracing.github.io repo for the new home TheNextWeekPublic archive DEPRECATED — Head to the raytracing.github.io repo for the new home ...