我们在生物数据统计分析中,经常会听到p-value,adjusted p-value,q-value以及False discovery rate(FDR)。比如最常见实验组和对照组的差异基因表达分析,除了获得一个p值(p-value),通常而言还会得到一个adjusted p-value或者FDR(false discovery rate)。那么他们之间到底有什么关系,为什么已经有了一个p-value来指征显...
总之,理解并正确使用这些指标,如p-value、adjusted p-value(q-value)和FDR,对于防止因多重检验导致的误导性结果至关重要。在进行大规模数据分析时,需要综合考虑这些指标,以确保科研结论的准确性和可靠性。
在生物数据统计分析领域,p-value, adjusted p-value, q-value以及False discovery rate(FDR)是常见的统计值。本文将解析这些统计值之间的关系以及为什么在得到一个p-value后还需要adjusted p-value或者FDR。p-value的概念源于假设检验。其衡量的是在原假设(H0)为真的条件下,观察到当前数据的概率。...
pvalue(pval): 统计学差异显著性检验指标。 qvalue(p-adjusted): 校正后的p值(qvalue=padj=FDR=Corrected p-Value=p-adjusted),是对p值进行了多重假设检验,能更好地控制假阳性率。校正后的p值不同的几种表现形式,都是基于BH的方法进行多重假设检验得到的。校正后的p值不同的展现形式是因为不同的分析软件...
即使用Q value的这个参数预估FDR。Q value 需要利用公式从p value 校正计算后得到,所以Q value 通常又被称为adjusted p value。所以一般情况下:我们可以认为Q value = FDR = adjusted p value,即三者是一个东西,虽然有些定义上的细微区别,但是问题也不大。 û收藏 转发 1 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发...
p.adjust() function and limma packages has lead people to refer to "BH adjusted p-values". The adjusted p-value definition that you give is essentially the same as the BH adjusted p-value, except that you omitted the last step in the ...
terminology "q-value" for a quantity estimates his definition of FDR. He implemented q-value estimation procedures in an R package called qvalue.So, strictly speaking, the q-value and the FDR adjusted p-value are similar but not quite the same. However the terms ...
commonly used statistic to address this issue, but when dealing with thousands of genes, the false discovery rate (FDR) becomes critically important. The q-value is an adjusted p-value that controls for the FDR, and it’s particularly useful in large-scale testing scenarios, such as genomic ...
This package produces "adjusted p-values", so how is it possible that my adjusted p-values are smaller than my original p-values? The q-value is not an adjusted p-value, but rather a population quantity with an explicit definition. The package produces estimates of q-values and the local...
Now, the q-value approach tries to find the height where the p-value distribution flattens out and incorporates this height value into the calculation of FDR adjusted p-values. We can see this in the histogram below. This approach helps to establish just how many of the significant values ...