pygame.init()width=800height=600screen=pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))pygame.display.set_caption('Snake Game')snake_pos=[100,50]snake_body=[[100,50],[90,50],[80,50]]food_pos=[random.randrange(1,width//10)*10,random.randrange(1,height//10)*10]food_spawn=Truedirection='RIGHT...
We will use two variables in order to represent our snake: the just mentioned list, and the current movement direction(as x,y coordinates). As usual, they will be placed at the top of our program (where we stored our window size): snake=[]# snake list of (x, y) positions snake_di...
例如,巨大的视频托管平台 YouTube 之所以受欢迎,不仅是因为其商业模式,还因为它的推出时间。许多创意艺术家,如视频编辑者、歌手、舞者和游戏玩家,希望该平台能在全球范围内得到认可,而观众希望有一个可以免费学习和娱乐的平台。因此,需求是任何新发明的推动力。然而,这并不意味着每一个在正确时间创造的革命性想法都会...
tmpboard[tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1]] = 0 # 虚拟地将蛇尾变为食物(因为是虚拟的,所以在tmpsnake,tmpboard中进行) tmpboard[food] = SNAKE # 放置食物的地方,看成蛇身 result = board_BFS(tmpsnake[tmpsnake_size-1], tmpsnake, tmpboard) # 求得每个位置到蛇尾的路径长度 for i in range(4): # ...
_game() self.consume_food() self.snake_movement() self.after(speed, self.perform_actions) def set_new_food_pos(self): while True: x_position = randint(1, 29) * movement y_position = randint(3, 30) * movement food_pos = (x_position, y_position) if food_pos not in self.snake_...
game_window.fill(blue) message("You Lost! Press C-Play Again or Q-Quit", red) score(length_of_snake - 1) pygame.display.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_q: ...
gameBackground = pygame.image.load(image_filename_for_background).convert() Image_Cursor = pygame.image.load(image_filename_mouseCursor).convert_alpha() 您想要导入游戏项目的图像应该与游戏项目所在的目录相同。例如,如果 Python 文件保存在 snake 目录中,则 Python 文件加载的图像也应保存在 snake 目录...
numLabel=str(width).rjust(2,"_")print(f"{emptySpace}{disk}{numLabel}{disk}{emptySpace}",end="")# Ifthisprogram wasrun(insteadofimported),run the game:if__name__=="__main__":main()
Learn how to build a classic snake game using Pygame in Python. This detailed step-by-step tutorial explains how to initialize Pygame, generate food for the snake, draw game objects, update the snake's position, handle user input, and manage the game loop. Suitable for beginner to ...
Snake game is one of the most popular arcade games of all time. In this game, the main objective of the player is to catch the maximum number of fruits without hitting the wall or itself. pygamesnake-gamepythongamesnakegamepygame-gamessnakegame-py ...