Create a new dir 'gptme-test-fib' and git init Write a fib function to, commit Create a public repo and push to GitHub Steps Create a snake game with curses to Running fails, ask gptme to fix a bug Game runs ...
远程环境和本地环境堆布局略有差异,需要使用一些侧信道的方法泄漏出其对应的偏移,比如根据堆的布局进行 chunk 进行 free ,观测程序是否崩溃。 #!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-frompwnimport*context.clear(arch='amd64',os='linux',log_level='debug')sh=remote('',34850)def...
For all we know farting rabbits and fencing snails were the equivalent of Monty Python memes. Friar Lapin’s intestinal eminences may have been the source of general merriment (and/or disgust) in the monastery but one must keep it on the down low lest the Abbott find out. ladyeleanorceltic...
nums = [int(num) if num != '0' else 0 for num in row] if nums!=[]: board.append(nums) return board def solve(input_string): original_board = parse_input(input_string)# 创建原始数组的副本 board_copy = [row[:] for row in original_board] solution = solve_sudoku(original_board)...
goxygen - A full stack application builder based on Go, React and MongoDB technologies nging - General framework for managing the Go language background snake - Business API framework PocketBase - a single file backend service development framework with background management panel, file and permissi...
with the “pilot,” the developer, to rewrite everything in Python. And becauseyougenerated the tests and you generated the description — neither of which likely existed in the ‘60s; a lot of that code is undocumented — you are able to transform that old code base into a new code ...
🤖 Agents & Tools: Experiment with agents and tools in a local environment. 🚀 Getting Started Install with pipx: # requires Python 3.10+ pipx install gptme Now, to get started, run: gptme Here are some examples: gptme 'write an impressive and colorful particle effect using three.js...
🤖 Agents & Tools: Experiment with agents and tools in a local environment. 🚀 Getting Started Install with pipx: # requires Python 3.10+ pipx install gptme Now, to get started, run: gptme Here are some examples: gptme 'write an impressive and colorful particle effect using three.js...
You can find the source code of the FLAMES game using Python in thisGitHub repository. Import the Tkinter module. Define a function,remove_match_char()that accepts two lists as input. Use a nested for loop to iterate over both lists. Check if there’s a matching character; if there is,...