(self, x, y, noise = None): if noise is None: noise = self.perlinNoise frequency = 1.0 / self.imageSize n = self.fractalBrownianMotion(8 * x, 8 * y, self.perlinNoise) return (math.sin(16 * x * frequency + 4 * (n - 0.5)) + 1) * 0.5 if __name__ == "__main__"...
^Simplex noise demystified, Stefan Gustavson http://webstaff.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/simplexnoise.pdf / 噪声的分类 根据wiki,由程序产生噪声的方法大致可以分为两类: 类别 名称 基于晶格的方法(Lattice based) 又可细分为两种: 第一种是梯度噪声(Gradient noise),包括Perlin噪声, Simplex噪声,Wavelet...
nMOLDYN,分子动力学模拟的交互式分析程序。 Noise,噪声,产生的Perlin(柏林)/ Simplex噪声 Nose,鼻子,简化测试单元 Numba,NumPy的动态编译库,需要numpy + MKL和llvmlite Numexpr,快速数值数组表达式计算器,需要numpy + MK NumPy(NumPy + MKL),科学计算所需要的基本包, NumPy + MKL是静态链接到英特尔数学核心函数库。
nMOLDYN,分子动力学模拟的交互式分析程序。 Noise,噪声,产生的Perlin(柏林)/ Simplex噪声 Nose,鼻子,简化测试单元 Numba,NumPy的动态编译库,需要numpy + MKL和llvmlite Numexpr,快速数值数组表达式计算器,需要numpy + MK NumPy(NumPy + MKL),科学计算所需要的基本包, NumPy + MKL是静态链接到英特尔数学核心函数库。
unreal.PerlinNoiseShaker unreal.PerPlatformBool unreal.PerPlatformFloat unreal.PerPlatformInt unreal.PerQualityLevelInt unreal.PerSkeletonAnimationSharingSetup unreal.PhysicalAnimationData unreal.PhysicalMaterialInput unreal.PhysicsAssetSolverSettings unreal.Plane unreal.Plane4f unreal.PlateCropSettings unreal.Platform...
mod.py model.py nature.py noise.pxd noise.py perlin.pxd perlin.py physics.py player.py savingsystem.pxd savingsystem.py screenshot.png server.bat server.py setup-py2exe.py setup.py skydome.py sounds.py terrain.pxd terrain.py tests.py textures.py timer....
使用杂点有两种方法:noise()和perlinNoise() 1.noise()方法 说明:使用随机产生的杂点来填充图像。 函数:noise(randomSeed:int , low:uint=0 , high:uint=255 , channelOptions:uint=7 , grayScale:Boolean=false):void 参数:randomSeed:表示使用的随机种 ...
perlin.pxd Cython'ized perlin.SimplexNoise.noise3, did some benchmarking May 6, 2013 perlin.py Limits recursivity of imports using __all__ and fixes recursive imports. Apr 24, 2013 physics.py Added falling block entity May 12, 2013
perlin3.npy.gz /usr/share/doc/python-brian-doc/docs/_images/codegen_code_paths.png /usr/share/doc/python-brian-doc/docs/_images/custom_events.svg /usr/share/doc/python-brian-doc/docs/_images/cylinder.svg /usr/share/doc/python-brian-doc/docs/_images/function_plot.png /usr/share/doc/...
perlin noise (2) persp (2) perspective (2) photoshop (2) php (1) physics (2) pi (3) pick (2) picker (1) pickle (2) pickMatrix (3) pid (1) pig (1) pip (4) pip.exe (1) pivot (5) pixel (1) pl/pgsql (1) place2dTexture (1) place3dTexture (1) play (3) playback...