Rewinding to the back, chin ups are a champion for smashing the upper lats. Double them up with wide grip pull ups for a complete upper posterior like a fighter jet. It’s acceptable to say that the chin ups are an arm exercise too. This is because they’re a beast for working the ...
But there's another reason doingpull-upsis really hard for some people: shoulder discomfort. Pull-ups, which use an overhandgrip(palms facing away from you), can make some people's shoulders and rotator cuffs cranky, especially if either have been previously injured. And that discomfort or p...
Whichever way you pull up, both pull-ups and chin-ups are complex or multiple exercises. That is, there is movement in at least two joints, so multiple muscle groups must work together to complete the movement. In this case, those are the shoulder joint and the elbow joint. In particular...
How many chin-ups is good will depend on your goal. If you need to meet a fitness test standard, that number is considered good. But if you are doing chin-ups for physique or physical activity goals, ten chin-ups is treated as the gold standard of upper body strength. Do Chin-Ups ...
This is because the wider you go, you’re following more the orientation of the lats’ lower fibers, and the closer your hands come in you’re following more of the lats’ upper fibers. Chin-Ups Chinups are more favorable for targeting the arms ...
Chin ups vs pull ups: which one is better for you?When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. (Image credit: Getty Images) By Matt Kollat last updated 17 February 2022 in Features The chin-up vs pull up question may ...
Chinups and pullups are pretty similar..except for one major thing. Here's what it is, plus a workout plan to master them and strength benefits of the moves.
On the other hand, we have the pull-up, which, you guessed it, is a pulling movement. Here the bulk of the workload is put on the lats, which are the biggest muscles in your back. The pull-up also targets the bicep muscles and, as with push-ups puts a lot of emphasis on the...
My guide shows you how to do Pullups: proper grip width, arm position, what if you can’t do a single rep, and more. Get stronger with my technique tips.
Try chin-ups.Since chin-ups are easier than pull-ups, you may want to consider building your pull-up strength by training chin-ups hard for a couple of months. Of course, if you can’t perform even 1 pull-up, chances are you will only be able to manage 1 or 2 chin-ups. Frankly...