然而,PLA技术仍有很多局限性,基于亲和力的免疫测定(包括PLA)的局限性之一是所谓的“hook effect”,即在高抗原浓度下信号降低,导致错误的低信号甚至假阴性,当分析物浓度超过邻近探针浓度(>>1 nM)时,“hook effect”占主导地位,有效地确定了定量上限,邻近探针浓度可能会增加,但当探针和桥接寡聚体偶然相遇时,必须小心...
邻近连接分析,英文Proximity ligation assay,简称PLA, 中文翻译为邻位连接分析或者邻近连接分析技术。 邻近连接分析PLA是一种特殊的免疫分析方法,可用于检测目标蛋白,蛋白相互作用等等。 邻近连接分析PLA由Fredriksson等人于2002年开发。到目前为止,它已成为一种成熟且普遍适用的免疫组化工具,用于高级和精确的蛋白质分析。
measuring the abundance of just a single protein.PLA™, a proximity ligation assay technology, is capable of detecting single protein events such as protein interactions (e.g. protein dimerization) and modifications (e.g. protein phosphorylation).The Duolink® reagent series, based on PLA, ...
Proximity ligation assay (PLA), also referred to as Duolink® PLA technology, permits detection of protein-protein interactions in situ (at distances <40 nm) at endogenous protein levels. It exploits specific antibodies identifying (either directly or indirectly) the two proteins of interest and ...
Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA)简介 Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA)简介 1, 什么是PLA技术?PLA技术全称为Proximity Ligation Assay, 国内翻译为邻位连接或者邻近连接技术。PLA技术是一种特殊的免疫分析方法,可用于检测目标蛋白,蛋白相互作用等等。 该方法通过一对标记有一段寡聚脱氧核苷酸(单链DNA)的单克隆或者多...
α-Synuclein proximity ligation assay (PLA) has proved a sensitive technique for detection of non-Lewy body α-synuclein aggregate pathology. Here, we describe the MJF-14 PLA, a new PLA towards aggregated α-synuclein with unprecedented specificity, usin
Optimization of proximity ligation assay (PLA) for detection of protein interactions and fusion proteins in non-adherent cells: application to pre-B lympho... Optimization of proximity ligation assay (PLA) for detection of protein interactions and fusion proteins in non-adherent cells: application to...
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