Tong ZG, Qu SC, Zhang JY, Wang F, Tao JM, Gao ZH, Zhang Z (2012) A Modified protocol for RNA extraction from different peach tissues suitable for gene isolation and real-time PCR analysis. Mol Biotechnol 50:229-236Tong ZG,Qu SC,Zhang JY. A Modified protocol for RNA extraction from ...
RNAExtractionProtocolforCell RNA Extraction Protocol for Cell 100mm dish 中加入1ml TRIzol(RNA iso plus) 反复吹打冲壁 ↓ 移液至1.5ml EP tube中,静置 ↓ 加入200ul chloroform, vortex 显均匀粉红色 ↓ 13000rpm 4℃ 5min离心 ↓ 取上清500ul + isopropyl alcohol 500ul Invert 每个次数相等 ↓↓ 待溶...
Toni LS, et al. (2018).Optimization of phenol-chloroform RNA extraction.MethodsX. **This is a suggested protocol and should be adjusted by the user accordingly** For more info, visit ourMethods of Virus Purificationpage. While the above suggested protocol has been tested to be effective, if...
RNAlaterRNA extractionplasmodium falciparumDNA microarraysThis study was carried out to determine the efficiency of two reagents, RNAlater and RNAwiz, for their ability to stabilizePlasmodium falciparumRNA in infected whole blood and saponin lysed parasite pellets for use in DNA microarrays. Eight ...
Plant DNA and RNA extraction is difficult due to the presence of metabolites that interfere with isolation procedures and downstream applications. In the present study DNA and RNA extraction protocol standardized from rice (Oryza sativa L.). Isolation of DNA using Triton-X-100 based extraction metho...
31) Spin at full speed for 2 minutes. 32) Discard column and transfer tube to ice. Quantification and Quality Control 33) Quantify each sample using Nanodrop. 34) Run 5ul of each sample on Agarose gel. 点此下载全文:RNA Extraction Protocol.pdf 易生物实验技术频道 - 生物实验技术资料库!©...
Human RNA Extraction PROTOCOL(RNA提取方法) REAGENTS Guanadinium Thiocyanate 1.0 M Sodium Citrate pH 7.010% Sarcosyl2-mercaptoethanolwater saturated phenol pH 4.0-7.0 Na2EDTAMOPS (free REAGENTS >Guanadinium Thiocyanate> 1.0 M Sodium Citrate pH 7.0...
CONCLUSIONS: This new protocol is a reliable method for extracting non-viral mRNA from the plasma of patients with cancer after longterm storage for three years. Extractions using Trizol and RNeasy kits independently could not isolate mRNA with sufficient quantity and quality for detection. 展开 ...
Therefore we have established a high throughput method of RNA extraction from itArabidopsis thaliana /itto facilitate gene expression studies in this widely used plant model. We present optimised manual and automated protocols for the extraction of total RNA from 9-day-old Arabidopsis seedlings in a...
A simple and effective protocol forextraction of high quality total RNA from bark tissue of woody stem was achieved using theRNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen, USA). The extracted RNA was successfully converted intodouble-stranded cDNA ... P Santosh,H Sreenath - 《Research Journal of Biotechnology...