-treated water. RNA precipitate with lithium chloride (LiCl) for increased stability of the RNA preparation and improvement of cDNA synthesis. The following protocol is designed for small and large tissue samples (tissue volume 10-200 μl), which normally yield about 10-500 μg of total RNA....
Using this protocol, 260/280 spectrophotometric ratio was found between 1.88-1.97 and total RNA was found between 174.6-184.3 碌g RNA g cell FWsup-1/sup in tobacco cells. However, in order to obtain RNA with high purity levels, an additional step may be necessary to eliminate contaminating ...
RNAiso Plus (Total RNA extraction reagent)Cat. # 9108/9109Product Manual RNAiso Plus (Total RNA extraction reagent)For Research Use v201301Da
内容提示: RNA isolater Total RNA Extraction Reagent Catalog # R401 Introduction Based on guanidine thiocyanate and phenol, RNA isolater Total RNA Extraction Reagent possesses extremely strong lysis capability, can lyse cell and tissue samples at short notice and timely protect the integrity of RNA. ...
Extraction of total RNA by sepasol (1)Cell pellet(5-10×106) or tissue membrane of kidney) (2)add 1ml sepasol RNA 1 super Sepasol 用来分离 RNA (3)cell vortex or tissue homogenize (4)incubate for 5min at R.T (5)add 200μL chloroform (6)mix gently and incubate for 3min at R....
Protocol Overview of procedures Tissue Culture cell Add RNA isolater Add RNA isolater and then pipette up and down to resuspend and lyse cells Homogenize in RNA isolater or triturate in liquid nitrogen and then dissolve with RNA isolater Add chloroform of 1/5 volume, shake tube vigorously, ...
17.A Simple Method for Arabidopsis thaliana total RNA isolation and its advantage;拟南芥总RNA的简便提取与效果分析 18.A Protocol for Total RNA Extraction from the Petals of Lilium formolongi一种新铁炮百合花瓣总RNA的提取方法 相关短句/例句
(preparedwithDEPC-treatedwater) •RNase-freewater III.Storage 4℃ Storeinadarkplacetoretainactivity. 3 RNAisoPlus(TotalRNAextractionreagent) Cat.#9108/9109 v201301Da URL:http://.takara-bio IV.GeneralinstructionsforhandlingRNA 1.SterilizeddisposableplasticequipmentsareRNasefreeingeneral,thustheycan be...
Chapter 6: Extraction, Purification, and Analysis of RNA from Eukaryotic Cells345 Protocol 1: Purification of Total RNA from Mammalian Cells and Tissues Protocol 2: Isolation of Total RNA from Zebrafish Embryos and Adults Protocol 3: Total RNA Isolation from Drosophila melanogaster Protocol 4:...
total RNA extractionPCRThis paper is the first report on the development of a protocol that allows rapid and simplified extraction of total RNA from Artemisia annua L., an aromatic medicinal plant. This innovative protocol ensures a consistently high quantity and good quality of total RNA without ...