Paller, MD, on vitamin C and prostate cancerPodcasts Dr. Murphy on increasing diversity in cancer clinical trials Dr. Schwen on focal therapies for prostate cancer Speaking of Urology: Liquid biopsy in prostate cancer Dr. Kishan highlights findings from the MIRAGE trial in prostate cancer Dr....
Low-Dose Aspirin in the Primary Prevention of Cancer: The Women's Health Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial 39 876 US women aged at least 45 years and initially without previous history of cancer, cardiovascular disease, or other major chronic illness were random......
A number of 6 or lower means the cancer is likely to grow more slowly. A score of 7 means it is likely to grow faster, but it may not spread to other areas. A score of 8 to 10 means it is likely to grow more quickly and also spread. ...
prostate cancerprotocadherin 7SETCastrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) accounts for almost all prostate cancer (PCa) deaths. Aberrant activation of ERK/MEK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways plays an important role in subsets of patients with CRPC. The role of protocadherin 7 (PCDH7) in ...
Grades 2-4include cells that look less and less like healthy cells as the number goes up. Grade 5includes cells that don't look anything like healthy prostate cells. Almost all prostate cancer cells will have a grade of 3, 4, or 5. ...
Ejaculation frequency was assessed byasking participants to report the average number of ejaculations they hadper month during the ages of 20 to 29 years, 40 to 49 years, and during thepast year (1991).Main Outcome MeasureIncidence of total prostate cancer.ResultsDuring 222 426 person-years of...
In 1936 prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) became the key serum marker for monitoring prostate cancer (PCa) treatment (1–3). Approximately 50 yr later, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) emerged as the most useful serum marker for PCa management followed a f
Figure 1:Graphical representation of seven prostate cancer genomes. Each Circos plot12depicts the genomic location in the outer ring and chromosomal copy number in the inner ring (red, copy gain; blue, copy loss). Interchromosomal translocations and intrachromosomal rearrangements are shown in purple...
et al. The number of regulatory T cells in prostate cancer is associated with the androgen receptor and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2α but not HIF-1α. Prostate 67, 623–629 (2007). Article PubMed Google Scholar Kiniwa, Y. et al. CD8+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells mediate ...
BACKGROUND. Liquid biopsies have demonstrated that the constitutively active androgen receptor splice variant-7 (AR-V7) associates with reduced response and overall survival from endocrine therapies in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). However, these studies provide little information pertaining ...