High PSALow volume diseaseRarely, patients with prostate cancer (PC) present with Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) scores >20ng/mL but otherwise very low-risk disease. Oncologists debate whether malignancies in these patients behave more comparably to low-risk or high-risk disease. Our objective ...
target and kill the abnormal cells of the prostate from outside your body. Another treatment ischemotherapy, which uses powerful chemicals, destroy the cancer cells.Cryotherapy, which freezes the cancer cells, or heat, can be used to kill the cancer cells w...
同时PSA的量会随着年纪的增长而增长。其他的东西可能也会影响PSA的量,比如尿道感染,近期射精,激烈的运动尤其是骑自行车,或者前列腺健康问题。您可能会有一个PSA检测结果显示PSA正在增长中,这样的话可能需要进一步的检查来检查前列腺癌。 Gleason等级和Gleason分数 Gleason等级 我们会给在穿刺检查样本中发现的癌细胞一个Gl...
Peter Ka-Fung Chiu, Yan-Ho Fung, Jeremy Yuen-Chun Teoh et al. Urine spermine and multivariable Spermine Risk Score predict high-grade prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer P D. Jan 2021
完整记事: Peter Ka-Fung Chiu, Yan-Ho Fung, Jeremy Yuen-Chun Teoh et al. Urine spermine and multivariable Spermine Risk Score predict high-grade prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer P D. Jan 2021
之后,研究工作部门指出,尿液内源性和内源性后果平均分需要确定HGPCa后果较高的年长,并缩减故意的活检。 零碎出处: Peter Ka-Fung Chiu, Yan-Ho Fung, Jeremy Yuen-Chun Teoh et al. Urine spermine and multivariable Spermine Risk Score predict high-grade prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer P D. Jan 2021...
Metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) is a disease state characterized by a testosterone level of less than 50 ng/dL, with 2 consecutive increases in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with a PSA level of 2 ng/dL or more. ...
多变量分析表明,PSA、大小(PV)、位数直肠核对(DRE)和代谢物是PCa和HGPCa的独立假设因子,代谢物可能性打分与上述主因能够获得最多的AUC,PCa和HGPCa分别达到为0.78和0.82。对HGPCa的敏感性为90%,可以避免36.7%的活检和24.4%的ISUP 1级一组检验,有性假设值为95.4%。DCA看出代谢物可能性打分较强诊疗净获益。内部...
Currently, accepted clinical methods to diagnose clinically significant prostate cancer (PCa) are a combination of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, digital rectal exam, trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, PSA screening leads to over-diagnosis, whic...
原始中都有: Peter Ka-Fung Chiu, Yan-Ho Fung, Jeremy Yuen-Chun Teoh et al. Urine spermine and multivariable Spermine Risk Score predict high-grade prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer P D. Jan 2021