2 enum __device_builtin__ cudaLimit 3 { 4 cudaLimitStackSize = 0x00, // 栈尺寸 5 cudaLimitPrintfFifoSize = 0x01, // printf/fprintf 缓冲区尺寸 6 cudaLimitMallocHeapSize = 0x02, // 堆内存尺寸 7 cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepth = 0x03, // ?运行时同步深度 8 cudaLimitDevRuntimePendingL...
https://gitee.com/wangzhenbang2023/cuda-learning/tree/master/pccp/CodeSamplesgitee.com/wangzhenbang2023/cuda-learning/tree/master/pccp/CodeSamples 教材中各章节的习题答案: https://gitee.com/wangzhenbang2023/cuda-learning/tree/master/pccp/Solutionsgitee.com/wangzhenbang2023/cuda-learning/tree...
CUDA PROGRAM STRUCTURE A typical CUDA program structure consists of fi ve main steps: 1. Allocate GPU memories. 2. Copy data from CPU memory to GPU memory. 3. Invoke the CUDA kernel to perform program-specifi c computation. 4. Copy data back from GPU memory to CPU memory. 5. Destroy G...
并且我们全然能够信任这些库能够达到非常好的性能,写这些库的人都是在CUDA上的大能。一般人比不了。当然。全然依赖于这些库而对CUDA性能优化一无所知也是不行的,我们依旧须要手动做一些改进来挖掘出更好的性能。 下图是《CUDA C编程》中提到的一些支持的库。详细细节能够在NVIDIA开发人员论坛查看:...
professional cuda c programming--CUDA库简单介绍,CUDALibraries简单介绍上图是CUDA库的位置。本文简要介绍cuSPARSE、cuBLAS、cuFFT和cuRAND。之后会介绍OpenACC。cuSPARSE线性代数库,主要针对稀疏矩阵之类的。cuBLAS是CUDA标准的线代库,只是没有专门针对稀疏矩阵的操作
CUDA by Example8.4 Ruminations on C++9.4 The Design and Evolution of C++8.7 深入理解并行编程8.3 OpenCV计算机视觉编程攻略(第3...8.3 Code Optimization ML for the Working Programmer9.2 我要写书评 Professional CUDA C Programming的书评 ···(全部 2 条) 热门最新...
- **CUDA编程结构**:解释了异构环境中的CPU(host)与GPU(device)的区分,以及CUDA编程的核心在于合理划分数据和编写高效kernel函数。- **CUDA程序流程**:说明了典型CUDA程序的实现步骤,强调了kernel启动后控制返回给host的异步特性。二、内存管理 - **内存管理函数**:介绍了CUDA中用于在GPU上申请...
The CUDA execution model exposes an abstract view of the GPU parallel architecture, allowing you to reason about thread concurrency. In Chapter 2, you learned ... Get Professional CUDA C Programming now with the O’Reilly learning platform. O’Reilly members experience books, live events, ...
Professional CUDA C Programming Included here are the code files for any samples used in the chapters as illustrative examples. Each chapter has its own code folder that includes the sample .c and .cu files for that chapter. The per-chapter folders each also include a Makefile that can be ...