SAS Programming DATA Step, Macro, Functions and moreHome Programming Programming Proc Transpose Options BookmarkSubscribeRSS Feed All forum topics Previous Next 🔒 This topic is solved and locked. Need further help from the community? Please sign in and ask a new question. ...
'Mapping' Crystal Orientations in Ice Dynamics—From Macro to Micro Paper Paco VanSistine Mapping Our World and Beyond Research & Sciences "Remember the Alamo" by Using 3-D GIS Paper Mike Garza Preserving the Power of Places Urban and Regional Planning "Standing on the Shoulders of GIS" Paper...
Wow - very fast:) the select of post 1 works . It is just a select from a sas-base-table. The HASH-value looks correct. The i try the insert into an oracle-db: PROC SQL; INSERT INTO oraSY052.STF_LFA_I_LOGFILE_2016(REPORT_PATH)SELECTmd5(SUBSTR(s.path,findc(s.path, '/',2...
The DATA to DATA Step MacroBlog: SASnrd 1 Like buechler66 Barite | Level 11 Re: Proc Contents Input/Output Posted 03-04-2019 05:09 PM (1238 views) | In reply to PeterClemmensen wow this gives me great information. Thank you. Is there anyway to output this as a SAS dataset?
So what is the limit on number of models REG can handle? And are there any thoughts on a better way to do this? (Previously I had macro loops with data steps and a PROC REG for each iteration, and that worked, but it was much, much slower.)0 Likes Reply...
Oh wow! Such a silly mistake on my part. Thank you! 0 Likes ballardw Super User Re: Proc Export - .txt being excluded from file name Posted 05-23-2020 03:17 PM (751 views) | In reply to Krysia24 SAS uses a period to denote the end of a macro variable in code. Examp...
Wowh, this is great and this should work for me, quick question - can this be done in SELECT statement instead of FROM statement? is it possible? 0 Likes novinosrin Tourmaline | Level 20 Re: PROC SQL - Running sum/total for a range Posted 08-03-2018 11:23 AM (2839 views...
Oh wow! Such a silly mistake on my part. Thank you! 0 Likes ballardw Super User Re: Proc Export - .txt being excluded from file name Posted 05-23-2020 03:17 PM (782 views) | In reply to Krysia24 SAS uses a period to denote the end of a macro variable in code....
2- using a macro-var like Tom's proposed moddat is an ideal one when a/ you can predict/validate the name. Eg: Every workingday coming in one dataset. You can increment the expected one with SAS-date processing setting up the macro b/ the naming convention is data related normally ...