I need a macro that will allow me to do something like this: /cast Death Strike if Glyph of Succor active (if this is even possible) else (see below) cast Soul Reaper if target at/below 37% if level (boss)/40% if level 90-(non boss) else cast Death Coil if Sudden Doom active...
3.,thefollowingishowtosetthemacrocontent. Ibelievemanypeopleknowandexpressionsofslash'/'WOW command.Thecommandmacrocanaccordingtotheirown conditions to set up series, such as: /Kneel is to let you kneel down to the action of /say is the most basic dialogue action ...
What is a macro? Macros are short code scripts that help players combine spells and abilities to perform powerful combos. About Us Macro-WoW.com is dedicated to providing the highest quality of macro content, guides, and news to World of Warcraft players. ...
Part 1 How to Make Your Own ★ WoW - Macro Tutorial - Part 2 How to Make Advanced Macros Part 2 How to Make Advanced Macros This article or section needs to be cleaned up to a higher standard of quality. This may includeeditingto correct spelling and grammar, rewriting sections to ensur...
Macro commands Category:Macros Useful macros by class This page is intended to provide patterns that may be useful in constructing your own macros, filling a niche between a reference page for macros (HOWTO: Make a Macro) and a list of generally Useful macros. Managing Focus 'Focus' is a...
Anything related to WoW that are not macros… 151 Site Feedback Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it. 102 Uncategorized 315 Support GSE Support the development of the GSE mod! Become a Patron ...
The use ofWoW macroscan provide you with an advantage over someone who does not use them. However, just likeWoW AddOns, all in-game macros are completely legal, so players do not get into trouble for using them. To manage your WoW macros, type /macro or /m when you are in-game and...
Go toAdvanced Settingsand checkUse Lures. Bind your key to the same key you bind your lures ormacro. ForRetailandClassic/Vanillayou need to use a special macro that will apply the lures onto your fishing pole. The names of the lures and fishing pole here only an example, you need to ...
Macro commands Combat Log Escape sequences Hyperlinks API changes HOWTOs wowuidevThe enchantId is a sub component of the itemString type. Note that the values are absolute - positive or negative they will return the same enchant. Enchant IDs...
← WoW API < RunMacro Execute a macro from the macro frame. macroID Number - the position of the macro in the macro frame. Starting at the top left macro with 1, counting from left to right and top to bottom. The IDs of the first page (all characters) ra