在Rust编程语言中,过程宏(proc-macro)是一种强大的元编程工具,允许开发者在编译时执行自定义的代码生成任务。这些宏可以扩展Rust的语法,使得开发者能够以更简洁、更直观的方式编写代码。然而,由于过程宏的复杂性,它们的使用和学习曲线都相对陡峭。为了解决这个问题,Proc Macro Workshop项目应运而生,它提供了一系列精...
[package] name = "proc-macro-workshop" version = "0.0.0" edition = "2021" publish = false [workspace] [[bin]] name = "workshop" path = "main.rs" [dependencies] bitfield = { path = "bitfield" } derive_builder = { path = "builder" } derive_debug = { path = "debug" } se...
Fork from https://github.com/dtolnay/proc-macro-workshop Rust Latam: procedural macros workshop This repo contains a selection of projects designed to learn to write Rust procedural macros — Rust code that generates Rust code. Each of these projects is drawn closely from a compelling real use...
Rust 的过程宏(procedural macros)是一种高级用法,可以理解为生成 Rust 代码的 Rust 代码。该项目包含 5 个示例项目,其中 3 个是作者在工作中实现的宏。 收录于: 第92 期 标签: Rust 评论 没用过 用过 评分: 发布 暂无精选评论立即登录 微信扫码赞助本站 服务器还剩231天 +1年 : 推荐项目 换一换 refin...
审题// The #[sorted] macro is only defined to work on enum types, so this is a test // to ensure that when it's attached to a struct (or anything else) it produces // some reasonable error. Your macr...
package org.lgy.study.enumstudy; public enum Operation{ PLUS,MINUS,MULTI,DIVIDE; ...
Topics include CASE logic; the COALESCE function; a sampling of summary (statistical) functions; dictionary tables; PROC SQL and macro interface; PROC SQL statement options _METHOD and _TREE; and "key" performance issues.Kirk Paul Lafler
List Processing with Proc SQL is also simple, yet powerful. This Hands On Workshop paper provides programmers with knowledge to use the Proc SQL select into clause with the various SQL dictionaries to replace macro arrays and %do loops.Expected audience is intermediate to advanced users, and ...
Hands-on-Workshop: "Share your code with SAS Packages""My First SAS Package: A How-To" at SGF2021 Proceedings SAS Ballot Ideas: one: SPF in SAS, two, and threeSAS Documentation 1 Like Reply Patrick Opal | Level 21 Re: Create variables in a sequence using ...
TITLE3 'Generating macro variables based on summary statistics'; TITLE4 'Exercise 6.1: Total resident count and facility count'; PROC SQL NOPRINT ; SELECT PUT(COUNT(*),COMMA8.) ,PUT(COUNT(DISTINCT PROVNUM),COMMA6.) INTO :totres ,:totfac FROM in.ressamp2014 ; QUIT; TITLE5 "The ...