在Rust编程语言中,过程宏(proc-macro)是一种强大的元编程工具,允许开发者在编译时执行自定义的代码生成任务。这些宏可以扩展Rust的语法,使得开发者能够以更简洁、更直观的方式编写代码。然而,由于过程宏的复杂性,它们的使用和学习曲线都相对陡峭。为了解决这个问题,Proc Macro Workshop项目应运而生,它提供了一系列精...
审题// The #[sorted] macro is only defined to work on enum types, so this is a test // to ensure that when it's attached to a struct (or anything else) it produces // some reasonable error. Your macr...
[package] name = "proc-macro-workshop" version = "0.0.0" edition = "2021" publish = false [workspace] [[bin]] name = "workshop" path = "main.rs" [dependencies] bitfield = { path = "bitfield" } derive_builder = { path = "builder" } derive_debug = { path = "debug" } se...
[package] name = "proc-macro-workshop" version = "0.0.0" edition = "2021" publish = false [workspace] [[bin]] name = "workshop" path = "main.rs" [dependencies] bitfield = { path = "bitfield" } derive_builder = { path = "builder" } derive_debug = { path = "debug" } se...
Rust 的过程宏(procedural macros)是一种高级用法,可以理解为生成 Rust 代码的 Rust 代码。该项目包含 5 个示例项目,其中 3 个是作者在工作中实现的宏。 收录于: 第92 期 标签: Rust 微信扫码赞助本站 服务器还剩206天 +1年 : 推荐项目 换一换 ...
There is no macro language "%where" provided by SAS (I won't say that someone hasn't written a macro function with that name) so is a possible source of confusion for those that haven't become familiar enough with SAS. 0 Likes Reply current_thing Obsidian | Level 7 Re: proc and...
Some fun with macro looping could work too: %macro loopFormat(s,e,b=1,r=1,z=00); %do i=&s. %to &e. %by &b.; %eval(&i.-&b.)&z.<-&i.&z.="(%eval(&i.+&r.)) %eval(&i.-&b.)&z. - &i.&z." %end; %mend loopFormat; options Mprint; proc format; value F_...
Using PROC SQL, can you identify at least four ways to: select and create variables, create macro variables, create or modify table structure, and change table content? Learn how to apply multiple PROC SQL programming options through task-based examples. This hands-on workshop reviews topics ...
TITLE3 'Generating macro variables based on summary statistics'; TITLE4 'Exercise 6.1: Total resident count and facility count'; PROC SQL NOPRINT ; SELECT PUT(COUNT(*),COMMA8.) ,PUT(COUNT(DISTINCT PROVNUM),COMMA6.) INTO :totres ,:totfac FROM in.ressamp2014 ; QUIT; TITLE5 "The ...
I don't think an equivalent Stata procedure has been written,although I could be wrong. Jones, one of the developers of ProcTraj, has a website that might be useful (http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/bjones/index.htm). Also, given that the procedure is implemented as a SAS macro, it...