This macro will cast Flash Heal on a friendly target if you (not the target) are in combat. If you are not in combat and the target is friendly, it will cast Greater Heal. If neither of these is true (i.e. the target is not friendly) it will cast Smite. /cast [help] Greater ...
wow 宏命令入门基础教程(Wow macros basic tutorial) Introduction to macro commands [source: network] you, I was handling 1. what is a macro command? A macro can complete a relatively complex command, such as issuing commands in combat, and if typing is of course not troublesome, it is ...
# showtooltip [button:1,nopet]召唤宠物;[combat][modifier]治疗宠物;喂养宠物 /cast [button:1,nopet]召唤宠物;[button:1,combat][modifier:ctrl]治疗宠物;[modifier:alt]治疗宠物(等级1);[button:2, nodead, target=pet]解散野兽;[button:2, dead, target=pet][button:3]复活宠物;喂养宠物 /use [pet]...
Combat Modifier Macro #showtooltip /cast [combat] Arcane Explosion; Arcane Explosion(Rank 1) A variation of the modifier key macro above, this one will cast Arcane Explosion maximum rank if you are in combat and rank 1 otherwise, which is useful to getRoguesout of stealth for a small Mana ...
/script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then CastSpellByName("Attack"); end 2.B 鹰之守护+自动射击 ]而这个则是先开始自动射击,再判断身上是否有鹰之守护的效果,没有的话,使用鹰之守护。/cast Auto Shot /script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then Cast...
/script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then CastSpellByName("Attack"); end 8.B 鹰之守护+自动射击 ]而这个则是先开始自动射击,再判断身上是否有鹰之守护的效果,没有的话,使用鹰之守护。 /cast Auto Shot /script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then CastSpellByName("Asp...
combat - You entered or exited combat alt - Alt was pressed shift - Shift was pressed ctrl - Ctrl was pressed action1, action2, ... A comma-separated list of actions to perform in sequence. You may use any way of specifying an action accepted by/casthere, including spell names and it...
/script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then CastSpellByName("Attack"); end 8.B 鹰之守护+自动射击 ]而这个则是先开始自动射击,再判断身上是否有鹰之守护的效果,没有的话,使用鹰之守护。 /cast Auto Shot /script if (not string.find(UnitBuff("player", 1), "Raven")) then CastSpellByName("Asp...
/in 6 say 6s later二:进阶教程一些有用的 Macro1。允许你在窗口和全屏状态之间切换/script SetCVar("gxWindow", 1 - GetCVar("gxWindow"));/console gxRestart2。对于法师,必须要有的:将“X”换为你目前的变形术等级(下同);用它替换掉变形术技能。当你在队伍之外时使用它会得到“你不在队伍中。”的...