For different experimental requirements, TIANGEN has developed a series of real-time PCR products, including the SuperReal product series with dual enzyme system, the fast reaction FastFire series, the Talent qPCR PreMix for complex templates, as well as the FastKing One Step RT-qPCR kits for fa...
Novel hydrolysis-probe based qPCR assay to detect saxitoxin tran- scripts of dinoflagellates in environmental samples. Harmful Algae 28, 108-117. doi: 10.1016/J.Hal.2013.06.003ANKE STÜKEN ET AL: " Novel hydrolysis-probe based qPCR assay to detect saxitoxin transcripts of dinoflagellates in ...
The quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) based assay is relatively easy and cheaper method that applies SyBr Green dye chemistry to measure telomere length. SyBr Green dye fluoresces after intercalation into the double stranded DNA (dsDNA), thus detection of unspecific products has been a ...
iNtRON Probe qPCR Mix, with UNG 产品说明书
SapphiNStart TaqProbe qPCR Master Mix 品牌: ScienCell 货号: MB6048 价格: $60 产品说明书下载: 产品预定 > 产品预定,提交订单信息之后,我们会第一时间与您取得联系 产品说明 产品规格 参考文献 常见问题 ScienCell’s SapphireNStart TaqProbe qPCR Master Mix (STQMM) is a probe-based qPCR master mix...
Probe-based RT-qPCR 产品介绍: 产品说明 一般描述 The ABScript II One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit is a convenient, ready-to-use kit with optimized components for use for reverse transcription and subsequent probe-based qPCR. The one-step format prevents contamination and allows for higher sensitivity...
The GoTaq(R) Probe qPCR and RT-qPCR Systems are ready-to-use 2X master mixes optimized for probe-based qPCR detection chemistries. The GoTaq(R) Probe Master Mixes are designed to provide resistance to a widerange of PCR inhibitors. The master mixes also employ rapid hot-start activation ...
BlazeTaq Probe qPCR Master Mix 产品说明书 BlazeTaq™Probe qPCR Master Mix Easy-to-use mixes for probe-based real-time PCR With ROX Reference Dye Without ROX Reference Dye Cat.No.QP035(20µl×100reactions)Cat.No.QP045(20µl×100reactions) Cat.No.QP036(20µl×200reactions)Cat.No....
All of ourTakyon® SYBR® fast qPCR master mixesand core kits as well as the most of ourProbe-based kitsalready include the blue dye. Blue additive is sold separately toconvert any clear mixes. Order Now Carryover Prevention One-step Conversion ...
Li, Y., Kowdley, K. V.Method for microRNA isolation from clinical serum samples.Anal Biochem.431, 69-75 (2012). Tags Probe-based QPCRMicroRNA QuantificationTranscript AbundanceHigh-throughput PlatformsMicrofluidicsNanofluidics ArraysTaqMan Array CardOpenArraySerumPlasma-EDTA...